[PDF][PDF] Change of the groundwater quality from industrial area Oradea, Romania, using geographic information systems (GIS).

T Romocea, A Oneț, NC Sabău… - Environmental …, 2018 - eemj.icpm.tuiasi.ro
Abstract During the years 1965-1985, a veritable industrial platform was developed in the
west part of Oradea, Bihor County, Romania. It stretches on an area of 9 sq. km. and is …

Study of different microbial corrosion mechanisms in sewer pipes network made by sulfur concrete with focus on strength and durability analysis

GA Dezvareh, E Nabavi, A Khodadadi Darban - Environmental Energy and …, 2022 - eeer.ir
Concrete corrosion has a great economic impact on many worldwide projects especially in
corrosive environments such as municipal sewer systems. Many different factors can cause …

[PDF][PDF] Actual situation of wastewater from food industry and a case study of their treatment

I Malollari, L **uli, R Buzo, V Lajqi, S Makolli… - J Environ Prot …, 2019 - researchgate.net
Wastewater is the combination of liquid and water-transported wastes from industrial
facilities, along with any groundwater infiltration and surface water and storm water inflow …

Noise pollution and control measures in construction site of shallow warehouse in port

H Huang, J Wang, R Dong - Journal of Coastal Research, 2020 - meridian.allenpress.com
ABSRTACT Huang, H.; Wang, J., and Dong, R., 2020. Noise pollution and control measures
in construction site of shallow warehouse in port. In: Yang, Y.; Mi, C.; Zhao, L., and Lam …

Efficacy and reliability of wastewater treatment technology in small meat plants

M Makowska, M Spychała, M Pawlak - Desalination and Water Treatment, 2021 - Elsevier
Due to the growing scale of food production, the volume of wastewater generated by the
food industry has been increasing dramatically. This type of wastewater usually contains …

Food‐processing wastes

VS Frenkel, GA Cummings… - Water Environment …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Literature published in 2018 and literature published in 2019 related to food‐processing
wastes treatment for industrial applications are reviewed. This review is a subsection of the …

Polysaccharide-Based Adsorbents for Water Treatment

S Mondal - Polysaccharides - taylorfrancis.com
Effective and efficient removal of contaminants is a significant challenge in wastewater
treatment. Among various available techniques, adsorption is an economical, efficient, and …

[PDF][PDF] Temporal and spatial evolution of total dissolved solid concentration and nitrates in groundwater from the western part of Oradea, Romania

B Street - Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2020 - researchgate.net
Groundwater is of special importance for life and especially for the quality of people's lives,
and more pronounced importance in terms of global climate change, especially semi-arid …

[PDF][PDF] Renewable energy production potential by using from wastes generated in a pigs farm and slaughterhouse

RTT Fregue, AR Wachter, I Ionel, T Vintila… - REVISTA DE …, 2019 - academia.edu
Biogas produced from wastes is regarded as advanced biofuel and is under current EU
regulation, promoting the growth of advanced biofuels. In this study, the authors focused the …

Optimizarea schemelor tehnologice de pre-tratare chimică pentru eliminarea substanțelor flotante din apele uzate în industria alimentară

A Vișnevschi, P Spătaru, O Spînu, I Povar - Instruire prin cercetare …, 2024 - ibn.idsi.md
Studiul se concentrează pe optimizarea schemelor tehnologice de pre-epurare pentru
eliminarea substanțelor flotante din apele uzate din industriile de preparare a cărnii de pui …