A review of major factors influencing the accuracy of map** green-attack stage of bark beetle infestations using satellite imagery: Prospects to avoid data …
Detecting green-attacked trees on satellite imagery with high accuracy provides very
important broad-scale tools required to control the spreads of infestations to healthy trees …
important broad-scale tools required to control the spreads of infestations to healthy trees …
Individual tree crown segmentation and classification of 13 tree species using airborne hyperspectral data
Knowledge of the distribution of tree species within a forest is key for multiple economic and
ecological applications. This information is traditionally acquired through time-consuming …
ecological applications. This information is traditionally acquired through time-consuming …
[КНИГА][B] The potential of Sentinel-2 satellite images for land-cover/land-use and forest biomass estimation: A review
C Isbaex, AM Coelho - 2021 - intechopen.com
Map** land-cover/land-use (LCLU) and estimating forest biomass using satellite images
is a challenge given the diversity of sensors available and the heterogeneity of forests …
is a challenge given the diversity of sensors available and the heterogeneity of forests …
Tree species classification using plant functional traits from LiDAR and hyperspectral data
Plant functional traits have been extensively used to describe, rank and discriminate species
according to their variability between species in classical plant taxonomy. However, the …
according to their variability between species in classical plant taxonomy. However, the …
[HTML][HTML] A proposal for a forest digital twin framework and its perspectives
L Buonocore, J Yates, R Valentini - Forests, 2022 - mdpi.com
The increasing importance of forest ecosystems for human society and planetary health is
widely recognized, and the advancement of data collection technologies enables new and …
widely recognized, and the advancement of data collection technologies enables new and …
[HTML][HTML] Early detection of spruce vitality loss with hyperspectral data: Results of an experimental study in Bavaria, Germany
Vitality loss of trees caused by extreme weather conditions, drought stress or insect
infestations, are expected to increase with ongoing climate change. The detection of vitality …
infestations, are expected to increase with ongoing climate change. The detection of vitality …
Detection of susceptible Norway spruce to bark beetle attack using PlanetScope multispectral imagery
Climate change-related acute or long-term drought stress can weaken forest ecosystems
and result in widespread bark beetle infestations. Eurasian spruce bark beetle (Ips …
and result in widespread bark beetle infestations. Eurasian spruce bark beetle (Ips …
[HTML][HTML] Utility of hyperspectral compared to multispectral remote sensing data in estimating forest biomass and structure variables in Finnish boreal forest
Three-quarters of Finland's land surface area is filled with forests, which compose a great
part of the country's biomass, carbon pools and carbon sinks. In order to acquire up-to-date …
part of the country's biomass, carbon pools and carbon sinks. In order to acquire up-to-date …
[HTML][HTML] Detecting tree mortality using waveform features of airborne LiDAR
Tree mortality impacts biodiversity, carbon dynamics and the management of forests.
Climate change is expected to increase tree mortality, but understanding of tree mortality …
Climate change is expected to increase tree mortality, but understanding of tree mortality …
Predicting key water stress indicators of Eucalyptus viminalis and Callitris rhomboidea using high‐resolution visible to short‐wave infrared spectroscopy
Drought is one of the main factors contributing to tree mortality worldwide and drought
events are set to become more frequent and intense in the face of a changing climate …
events are set to become more frequent and intense in the face of a changing climate …