Review of different sequence motif finding algorithms
The DNA motif discovery is a primary step in many systems for studying gene function. Motif
discovery plays a vital role in identification of Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBSs) that …
discovery plays a vital role in identification of Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBSs) that …
How does DNA sequence motif discovery work?
P D'haeseleer - Nature biotechnology, 2006 - nature.com
How does DNA sequence motif discovery work? | Nature Biotechnology Skip to main content
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Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for …
The MEME suite
The MEME Suite is a powerful, integrated set of web-based tools for studying sequence
motifs in proteins, DNA and RNA. Such motifs encode many biological functions, and their …
motifs in proteins, DNA and RNA. Such motifs encode many biological functions, and their …
DREME: motif discovery in transcription factor ChIP-seq data
TL Bailey - Bioinformatics, 2011 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Motivation: Transcription factor (TF) ChIP-seq datasets have particular
characteristics that provide unique challenges and opportunities for motif discovery. Most …
characteristics that provide unique challenges and opportunities for motif discovery. Most …
JASPAR: an open‐access database for eukaryotic transcription factor binding profiles
The analysis of regulatory regions in genome sequences is strongly based on the detection
of potential transcription factor binding sites. The preferred models for representation of …
of potential transcription factor binding sites. The preferred models for representation of …
Discovering motifs in ranked lists of DNA sequences
Computational methods for discovery of sequence elements that are enriched in a target set
compared with a background set are fundamental in molecular biology research. One …
compared with a background set are fundamental in molecular biology research. One …
Assessing computational tools for the discovery of transcription factor binding sites
The prediction of regulatory elements is a problem where computational methods offer great
hope. Over the past few years, numerous tools have become available for this task. The …
hope. Over the past few years, numerous tools have become available for this task. The …
STAMP: a web tool for exploring DNA-binding motif similarities
STAMP is a newly developed web server that is designed to support the study of DNA-
binding motifs. STAMP may be used to query motifs against databases of known motifs; the …
binding motifs. STAMP may be used to query motifs against databases of known motifs; the …
A survey on deep learning in DNA/RNA motif mining
DNA/RNA motif mining is the foundation of gene function research. The DNA/RNA motif
mining plays an extremely important role in identifying the DNA-or RNA-protein binding site …
mining plays an extremely important role in identifying the DNA-or RNA-protein binding site …
[HTML][HTML] PWM2Vec: An efficient embedding approach for viral host specification from coronavirus spike sequences
Simple Summary The family of coronaviruses comprises a diverse set of strains and variants
which cause diseases from the common cold to COVID-19. Moreover, they infect a wide …
which cause diseases from the common cold to COVID-19. Moreover, they infect a wide …