Sensing with earables: A systematic literature review and taxonomy of phenomena
Earables have emerged as a unique platform for ubiquitous computing by augmenting ear-
worn devices with state-of-the-art sensing. This new platform has spurred a wealth of new …
worn devices with state-of-the-art sensing. This new platform has spurred a wealth of new …
Body sensor networks: In the era of big data and beyond
Body sensor networks (BSN) have emerged as an active field of research to connect and
operate sensors within, on or at close proximity to the human body. BSN have unique roles …
operate sensors within, on or at close proximity to the human body. BSN have unique roles …
Sensor positioning for activity recognition using wearable accelerometers
Activities of daily living are important for assessing changes in physical and behavioral
profiles of the general population over time, particularly for the elderly and patients with …
profiles of the general population over time, particularly for the elderly and patients with …
Walkie-talkie: Motion-assisted automatic key generation for secure on-body device communication
Ubiquity of wearable and implantable devices sparks a new set of mobile computing
applications that leverage the prolific information of sensors. For many of these applications …
applications that leverage the prolific information of sensors. For many of these applications …
In-ear accelerometer-based sensor for gait classification
For several years, the detection of gait has been popularly implemented using wearable
sensors, especially in the sports and medical areas. They are unobtrusive devices which …
sensors, especially in the sports and medical areas. They are unobtrusive devices which …
[HTML][HTML] EarGait: Estimation of temporal gait parameters from hearing aid integrated inertial sensors
Wearable sensors are able to monitor physical health in a home environment and detect
changes in gait patterns over time. To ensure long-term user engagement, wearable …
changes in gait patterns over time. To ensure long-term user engagement, wearable …
Gait-key: A gait-based shared secret key generation protocol for wearable devices
Recent years have witnessed a remarkable growth in the number of smart wearable
devices. For many of these devices, an important security issue is to establish an …
devices. For many of these devices, an important security issue is to establish an …
An on-node processing approach for anomaly detection in gait
A novel method is proposed for capturing deviation in gait using a wearable accelerometer.
Previous research has outlined the importance of gait analysis to assess frailty and fall risk …
Previous research has outlined the importance of gait analysis to assess frailty and fall risk …
Machine learning-based gait anomaly detection using a sensorized tip: an individualized approach
Lower limb motor impairment affects greatly the autonomy and quality of life of those people
suffering from it. Recent studies have shown that an appropriate rehabilitation can …
suffering from it. Recent studies have shown that an appropriate rehabilitation can …
Real-time gait analysis using a single head-worn inertial measurement unit
The background of this paper is to apply advanced real-time gait analysis to walking
interventions in daily life setting. A vast of wearable devices provide gait information but not …
interventions in daily life setting. A vast of wearable devices provide gait information but not …