Life cycle assessment of carbon dioxide removal technologies: a critical review
A large number of prospective climate scenarios rely on Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
technologies to limit global warming below 2° C. To date, however, a comprehensive …
technologies to limit global warming below 2° C. To date, however, a comprehensive …
Green chemistry, biocatalysis, and the chemical industry of the future
In the movement to decarbonize our economy and move away from fossil fuels we will need
to harness the waste products of our activities, such as waste lignocellulose, methane, and …
to harness the waste products of our activities, such as waste lignocellulose, methane, and …
Co-firing plants with retrofitted carbon capture and storage for power-sector emissions mitigation
Given that the global fleet of coal-fired power plants is mostly new, coal–biomass co-firing
power plants with retrofitted carbon capture and storage (CBECCS) are regarded as a …
power plants with retrofitted carbon capture and storage (CBECCS) are regarded as a …
Cross-sectoral perspectives (chapter 12)
The total emission mitigation potential achievable by the year 2030, calculated based on
sectoral assessments, is sufficient to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to half of the …
sectoral assessments, is sufficient to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to half of the …
[HTML][HTML] The cost of CO2 transport and storage in global integrated assessment modeling
This paper assesses the range of CO 2 transport and storage costs and evaluates their
impact on economy-wide modeling results of decarbonization pathways. Much analytic work …
impact on economy-wide modeling results of decarbonization pathways. Much analytic work …
A proposed global layout of carbon capture and storage in line with a 2 C climate target
A straightforward global layout of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is
imperative for limiting global warming well below 2° C. Here, we propose a cost-effective …
imperative for limiting global warming well below 2° C. Here, we propose a cost-effective …
Assessment of carbon dioxide removal potential via BECCS in a carbon-neutral Europe
Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is a Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
technology that will likely be necessary to reach global net-zero carbon dioxide emission …
technology that will likely be necessary to reach global net-zero carbon dioxide emission …
The climate change mitigation potential of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) can act as a negative emission
technology and is considered crucial in many climate change mitigation pathways that limit …
technology and is considered crucial in many climate change mitigation pathways that limit …
Role of CO2 geological storage in China's pledge to carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060
To navigate pathways for China's decarbonizing pledge, in this study, we investigated the
energy consumption and CO 2 emissions of China, and examined the potential of CO 2 …
energy consumption and CO 2 emissions of China, and examined the potential of CO 2 …
What went wrong? Learning from three decades of carbon capture, utilization and sequestration (CCUS) pilot and demonstration projects
The delivery of operational clean energy projects at scales is essential for addressing
climate change. Carbon capture and sequestration (CCUS) is among the most important …
climate change. Carbon capture and sequestration (CCUS) is among the most important …