Quantum simulation
Simulating quantum mechanics is known to be a difficult computational problem, especially
when dealing with large systems. However, this difficulty may be overcome by using some …
when dealing with large systems. However, this difficulty may be overcome by using some …
Light-induced gauge fields for ultracold atoms
Gauge fields are central in our modern understanding of physics at all scales. At the highest
energy scales known, the microscopic universe is governed by particles interacting with …
energy scales known, the microscopic universe is governed by particles interacting with …
Realization of a fractional quantum Hall state with ultracold atoms
Strongly interacting topological matter exhibits fundamentally new phenomena with potential
applications in quantum information technology,. Emblematic instances are fractional …
applications in quantum information technology,. Emblematic instances are fractional …
Observation of vortices in a dipolar supersolid
Supersolids are states of matter that spontaneously break two continuous symmetries:
translational invariance owing to the appearance of a crystal structure and phase invariance …
translational invariance owing to the appearance of a crystal structure and phase invariance …
Observation of a dissipative phase transition in a one-dimensional circuit QED lattice
Condensed matter physics has been driven forward by significant experimental and
theoretical progress in the study and understanding of equilibrium phase transitions based …
theoretical progress in the study and understanding of equilibrium phase transitions based …
Observation of vortices and vortex stripes in a dipolar condensate
Quantized vortices are a prototypical feature of superfluidity that have been observed in
multiple quantum gas experiments. But the occurrence of vortices in dipolar quantum gases …
multiple quantum gas experiments. But the occurrence of vortices in dipolar quantum gases …
The BCS–BEC crossover: From ultra-cold Fermi gases to nuclear systems
This report addresses topics and questions of common interest in the fields of ultra-cold
gases and nuclear physics in the context of the BCS–BEC crossover. By this crossover, the …
gases and nuclear physics in the context of the BCS–BEC crossover. By this crossover, the …
Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases
Feshbach resonances are the essential tool to control the interaction between atoms in
ultracold quantum gases. They have found numerous experimental applications, opening up …
ultracold quantum gases. They have found numerous experimental applications, opening up …
Many-body physics with ultracold gases
This paper reviews recent experimental and theoretical progress concerning many-body
phenomena in dilute, ultracold gases. It focuses on effects beyond standard weak-coupling …
phenomena in dilute, ultracold gases. It focuses on effects beyond standard weak-coupling …
Revealing the superfluid lambda transition in the universal thermodynamics of a unitary Fermi gas
Fermi gases, collections of fermions such as neutrons and electrons, are found throughout
nature, from solids to neutron stars. Interacting Fermi gases can form a superfluid or, for …
nature, from solids to neutron stars. Interacting Fermi gases can form a superfluid or, for …