[HTML][HTML] Опыт демографической политики Канады: к вопросу об изучении различных аспектов семейной и иммиграционной политики

НЮ Жуковская, ВВ Миронов - Bulletin Social-Economic and …, 2022‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Статья представляет собой краткий обзор зарубежной литературы, рассматривающей
различные аспекты демографической политики Канады как в исторической …

Unpacking the Alberta advantage through an intersectional lens: Social class, gender and minority groups in Alberta

G Durou, M Maroto, D Brown - … Routes: A Journal of Critical Social …, 2023‏ - alternateroutes.ca
The province of Alberta has a reputation of being a political maverick. Fighting against
Ottawa for more control over its natural resources is one of its distinctive characteristics. Over …

Capitalism and Patriarchy are Kicking My Butt: A Feminist Political Economy Analysis of Women's Freedom and Domestic Labour

TL McWhinney - 2023‏ - repository.library.carleton.ca
In the context of contemporary austerity politics, what freedom do women have to organize
and support domestic labour? In post-welfare states, austerity regimes have shifted social …

Changes and stability in marital status: Evidence from Canadian income tax returns

FT Denton, BG Spencer, TA Yip - Canadian Studies in Population, 2021‏ - Springer
We use a 20 percent longitudinal sample of Canadian personal income tax returns to
explore patterns and changes in marital status, with a focus on cohort behaviour. We define …