The functional and ecological significance of deep diving by large marine predators
Many large marine predators make excursions from surface waters to the deep ocean below
200 m. Moreover, the ability to access meso-and bathypelagic habitats has evolved …
200 m. Moreover, the ability to access meso-and bathypelagic habitats has evolved …
Partial migration in fishes: definitions, methodologies and taxonomic distribution
Partial migration, where populations are composed of both migratory and resident
individuals, is extremely widespread across the animal kingdom. Researchers studying fish …
individuals, is extremely widespread across the animal kingdom. Researchers studying fish …
Tiger sharks support the characterization of the world's largest seagrass ecosystem
Seagrass conservation is critical for mitigating climate change due to the large stocks of
carbon they sequester in the seafloor. However, effective conservation and its potential to …
carbon they sequester in the seafloor. However, effective conservation and its potential to …
Telemetry and random‐walk models reveal complex patterns of partial migration in a large marine predator
Animals are often faced with complex movement decisions, particularly those that involve
long‐distance dispersal. Partial migrations, ubiquitous among all groups of vertebrates, are …
long‐distance dispersal. Partial migrations, ubiquitous among all groups of vertebrates, are …
Remote bioenergetics measurements in wild fish: opportunities and challenges
The generalized energy budget for fish (ie, Energy Consumed= Metabolism+ Waste+
Growth) is as relevant today as when it was first proposed decades ago and serves as a …
Growth) is as relevant today as when it was first proposed decades ago and serves as a …
There and back again: migration in freshwater fishes
Animal migration is an amazing phenomenon that has fascinated humans for long. Many
freshwater fishes also show remarkable migrations, whereof the spectacular mass …
freshwater fishes also show remarkable migrations, whereof the spectacular mass …
Development and application of a machine learning algorithm for classification of elasmobranch behaviour from accelerometry data
Discerning behaviours of free-ranging animals allows for quantification of their activity
budget, providing important insight into ecology. Over recent years, accelerometers have …
budget, providing important insight into ecology. Over recent years, accelerometers have …
Don't bite the hand that feeds: assessing ecological impacts of provisioning ecotourism on an apex marine predator
There has been considerable debate over the past decade with respect to wildlife
provisioning, especially resultant behavioural changes that may impact the ecological …
provisioning, especially resultant behavioural changes that may impact the ecological …
Evidence for behavioural thermoregulation by the world's largest fish
Many fishes make frequent ascents to surface waters and often show prolonged surface
swimming following descents to deep water. This affinity for the surface is thought to be …
swimming following descents to deep water. This affinity for the surface is thought to be …
Patterns and drivers of vertical movements of the large fishes of the epipelagic
Large epipelagic fishes (> 30 kg maximum size) are known to display a variety of patterns of
vertical movement. Although advances in the affordability and sophistication of electronic …
vertical movement. Although advances in the affordability and sophistication of electronic …