Stop or go decisions at the onset of yellow light in a connected environment: A hybrid approach of decision tree and panel mixed logit model

Y Ali, MM Haque, Z Zheng, MCJ Bliemer - Analytic Methods in Accident …, 2021 - Elsevier
Driver decisions at the onset of yellow traffic lights are often critical, as inaccurate decisions
may result in traffic conflicts and collisions. A future connected environment where vehicles …

A conceptual framework for reducing risky teen driving behaviors among minority youth

P Juarez, DG Schlundt, I Goldzweig… - Injury …, 2006 -
Teenage drivers, especially males, have higher rates of motor vehicle crashes and engage
in riskier driving behavior than adults. Motor vehicle deaths disproportionately impact youth …

Classification analysis of driver's stop/go decision and red-light running violation

N Elmitiny, X Yan, E Radwan, C Russo… - Accident Analysis & …, 2010 - Elsevier
When the driver encounters a signal change from green to yellow, he is required to make a
stop or go decision based on his speed and the distance to the stop bar making the wrong …

A before-and-after study on green signal countdown device installation

KM Lum, H Halim - Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and …, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper reports a before-and-after study which evaluated the difference in driver
response along an approach of a signalized intersection installed with a green signal …

Impact of countdown timer on driving maneuvers after the yellow onset at signalized intersections: An empirical study in Changsha, China

K Long, Y Liu, LD Han - Safety science, 2013 - Elsevier
This study investigates the impact of countdown timer on driving maneuvers after the onset
of yellow at signalized intersections in China. Signal phasing and traffic operations were …

Innovative countermeasures for red light running prevention at signalized intersections: A driving simulator study

Q Hussain, WKM Alhajyaseen, K Brijs… - Accident Analysis & …, 2020 - Elsevier
The change interval, which includes the yellow and all-red times, plays a crucial role in the
safety and operation of signalized intersections. During this interval, drivers not only need to …

Deployment of cybersecurity for managing traffic efficiency and safety in smart cities

Z Li, M Shahidehpour - The Electricity Journal, 2017 - Elsevier
Boosting the concept of smart cities for implementing an intelligent management of traffic
congestion while reducing cybersecurity concerns will not only be more efficient for reducing …

Attitudes towards and perceptions of eco-driving and the role of feedback systems

J Harvey, N Thorpe, R Fairchild - Ergonomics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This paper addresses whether eco-driving may be encouraged by providing drivers with
feedback, and how eco-driving attitudes fit with other environmental attitudes. Eight focus …

Effects of countdown timers on driver behavior after the yellow onset at Chinese intersections

K Long, LD Han, Q Yang - Traffic injury prevention, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Objectives: Few studies have focused on the effect of countdown timers at signalized
intersections in China, where such timers are widely deployed for their perceived benefits of …

Investigating the impacts of green signal countdown devices: empirical approach and case study in China

W Ma, Y Liu, X Yang - Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2010 -
This paper presents an extensive investigation regarding the impacts of green signal
countdown devices (GSCD) on the intersection safety and efficiency, based on field …