Stop or go decisions at the onset of yellow light in a connected environment: A hybrid approach of decision tree and panel mixed logit model
Driver decisions at the onset of yellow traffic lights are often critical, as inaccurate decisions
may result in traffic conflicts and collisions. A future connected environment where vehicles …
may result in traffic conflicts and collisions. A future connected environment where vehicles …
A conceptual framework for reducing risky teen driving behaviors among minority youth
Teenage drivers, especially males, have higher rates of motor vehicle crashes and engage
in riskier driving behavior than adults. Motor vehicle deaths disproportionately impact youth …
in riskier driving behavior than adults. Motor vehicle deaths disproportionately impact youth …
Classification analysis of driver's stop/go decision and red-light running violation
When the driver encounters a signal change from green to yellow, he is required to make a
stop or go decision based on his speed and the distance to the stop bar making the wrong …
stop or go decision based on his speed and the distance to the stop bar making the wrong …
A before-and-after study on green signal countdown device installation
KM Lum, H Halim - Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and …, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper reports a before-and-after study which evaluated the difference in driver
response along an approach of a signalized intersection installed with a green signal …
response along an approach of a signalized intersection installed with a green signal …
Impact of countdown timer on driving maneuvers after the yellow onset at signalized intersections: An empirical study in Changsha, China
This study investigates the impact of countdown timer on driving maneuvers after the onset
of yellow at signalized intersections in China. Signal phasing and traffic operations were …
of yellow at signalized intersections in China. Signal phasing and traffic operations were …
Innovative countermeasures for red light running prevention at signalized intersections: A driving simulator study
The change interval, which includes the yellow and all-red times, plays a crucial role in the
safety and operation of signalized intersections. During this interval, drivers not only need to …
safety and operation of signalized intersections. During this interval, drivers not only need to …
Deployment of cybersecurity for managing traffic efficiency and safety in smart cities
Boosting the concept of smart cities for implementing an intelligent management of traffic
congestion while reducing cybersecurity concerns will not only be more efficient for reducing …
congestion while reducing cybersecurity concerns will not only be more efficient for reducing …
Attitudes towards and perceptions of eco-driving and the role of feedback systems
This paper addresses whether eco-driving may be encouraged by providing drivers with
feedback, and how eco-driving attitudes fit with other environmental attitudes. Eight focus …
feedback, and how eco-driving attitudes fit with other environmental attitudes. Eight focus …
Effects of countdown timers on driver behavior after the yellow onset at Chinese intersections
Objectives: Few studies have focused on the effect of countdown timers at signalized
intersections in China, where such timers are widely deployed for their perceived benefits of …
intersections in China, where such timers are widely deployed for their perceived benefits of …
Investigating the impacts of green signal countdown devices: empirical approach and case study in China
This paper presents an extensive investigation regarding the impacts of green signal
countdown devices (GSCD) on the intersection safety and efficiency, based on field …
countdown devices (GSCD) on the intersection safety and efficiency, based on field …