Cascade FOPI-FOPTID controller with energy storage devices for AGC performance advancement of electric power systems
Due to the increasing and variable load demands, fluctuations occurring in the performance
of AGC is a major issue regarding power system (PS) frequency stability. To deal with the …
of AGC is a major issue regarding power system (PS) frequency stability. To deal with the …
FOPTID+ 1 controller with capacitive energy storage for AGC performance enrichment of multi-source electric power systems
The demand for power increases during the peak hours and the power supply can't exceed
its limitations. This results into mismatch between the supplied and demanded powers …
its limitations. This results into mismatch between the supplied and demanded powers …
Modified FOPID controller for frequency regulation of a hybrid interconnected system of conventional and renewable energy sources
In this article, a fractional-order proportional-integral-differential (FOPID) controller and its
modified structure, called a MFOPID controller, are presented. To guarantee optimal system …
modified structure, called a MFOPID controller, are presented. To guarantee optimal system …
Optimal 1+ PDDF/FOPIT frequency regulator for develo** robust multi-microgrid systems with employing EV energy storage batteries
The susceptibility of modern interconnected microgrid (MG) systems to undesirable
frequency oscillations represents a critical issue resulting from the intermittency properties of …
frequency oscillations represents a critical issue resulting from the intermittency properties of …
Optimized fractional order integral-tilt derivative controller for frequency regulation of interconnected diverse renewable energy resources
The interconnection of renewable energy systems, which are complex nonlinear systems,
often results in power fluctuations in the interconnection line and high system frequency due …
often results in power fluctuations in the interconnection line and high system frequency due …
[HTML][HTML] Dandelion optimizer-based combined automatic voltage regulation and load frequency control in a multi-area, multi-source interconnected power system with …
Frequency, voltage, and power flow between different control zones in an interconnected
power system are used to determine the standard quality of power. Therefore, the voltage …
power system are used to determine the standard quality of power. Therefore, the voltage …
[HTML][HTML] Load frequency control and automatic voltage regulation in a multi-area interconnected power system using nature-inspired computation-based control …
The stability control of nominal frequency and terminal voltage in an interconnected power
system (IPS) is always a challenging task for researchers. The load variation or any …
system (IPS) is always a challenging task for researchers. The load variation or any …
Load frequency control and automatic voltage regulation in four-area interconnected power systems using a gradient-based optimizer
Existing interconnected power systems (IPSs) are being overloaded by the expansion of the
industrial and residential sectors together with the incorporation of renewable energy …
industrial and residential sectors together with the incorporation of renewable energy …
Effective load frequency control of power system with two-degree freedom tilt-integral-derivative based on whale optimization algorithm
Nowadays, the operation and control of power systems are a big challenge. An essential
part of the power system (PS) control is load frequency control (LFC). Different secondary …
part of the power system (PS) control is load frequency control (LFC). Different secondary …
Load frequency control in two-area multi-source power system using bald eagle-sparrow search optimization tuned PID controller
For power system engineers, automated load frequency control (LFC) for multi-area power
networks has proven a difficult problem. With the addition of numerous power generation …
networks has proven a difficult problem. With the addition of numerous power generation …