Cascade FOPI-FOPTID controller with energy storage devices for AGC performance advancement of electric power systems

R Choudhary, JN Rai, Y Arya - Sustainable Energy Technologies and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Due to the increasing and variable load demands, fluctuations occurring in the performance
of AGC is a major issue regarding power system (PS) frequency stability. To deal with the …

FOPTID+ 1 controller with capacitive energy storage for AGC performance enrichment of multi-source electric power systems

R Choudhary, JN Rai, Y Arya - Electric Power Systems Research, 2023 - Elsevier
The demand for power increases during the peak hours and the power supply can't exceed
its limitations. This results into mismatch between the supplied and demanded powers …

Modified FOPID controller for frequency regulation of a hybrid interconnected system of conventional and renewable energy sources

A Daraz, SA Malik, A Basit, S Aslam, G Zhang - Fractal and Fractional, 2023 -
In this article, a fractional-order proportional-integral-differential (FOPID) controller and its
modified structure, called a MFOPID controller, are presented. To guarantee optimal system …

Optimal 1+ PDDF/FOPIT frequency regulator for develo** robust multi-microgrid systems with employing EV energy storage batteries

EA Mohamed, A Shawky, SZ Almutairi, M Aly… - Journal of Energy …, 2023 - Elsevier
The susceptibility of modern interconnected microgrid (MG) systems to undesirable
frequency oscillations represents a critical issue resulting from the intermittency properties of …

Optimized fractional order integral-tilt derivative controller for frequency regulation of interconnected diverse renewable energy resources

A Daraz, SA Malik, AT Azar, S Aslam, T Alkhalifah… - Ieee …, 2022 -
The interconnection of renewable energy systems, which are complex nonlinear systems,
often results in power fluctuations in the interconnection line and high system frequency due …

Effective load frequency control of power system with two-degree freedom tilt-integral-derivative based on whale optimization algorithm

PR Sahu, K Simhadri, B Mohanty, PK Hota… - Sustainability, 2023 -
Nowadays, the operation and control of power systems are a big challenge. An essential
part of the power system (PS) control is load frequency control (LFC). Different secondary …