Brittle‐ductile transition and associated seismicity: Experimental and numerical studies and relationship with the b value
D Amitrano - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
The acoustic emission (AE) and the mechanical behavior of granite samples during triaxial
compression tests have been analyzed. The size of AE events displays power law …
compression tests have been analyzed. The size of AE events displays power law …
Numerical simulation of acoustic emission in brittle rocks by two-dimensional finite-discrete element analysis
Stress waves, known as acoustic emissions (AEs), are released by localized inelastic
deformation events during the progressive failure of brittle rocks. Although several numerical …
deformation events during the progressive failure of brittle rocks. Although several numerical …
Mechanical properties and energy conversion of 3D close-packed lattice model for brittle rocks
Numerical simulations using the 3D discrete element method can yield mechanical and
dynamic behaviors similar to rocks and grains. In the model, rock is represented by bonded …
dynamic behaviors similar to rocks and grains. In the model, rock is represented by bonded …
Development of a local degradation approach to the modelling of brittle fracture in heterogeneous rocks
Z Fang, JP Harrison - International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining …, 2002 - Elsevier
At the microscopic scale (say, of the order of grain size), rock is a heterogeneous material
whose brittle fracture is a complicated progressive process caused by isolated …
whose brittle fracture is a complicated progressive process caused by isolated …
A numerical study on cracking processes in limestone by the b-value analysis of acoustic emissions
To better investigate the cracking processes under uniaxial compression, a numerical
approach using bonded-particle model (BPM) was adopted to simulate the loading …
approach using bonded-particle model (BPM) was adopted to simulate the loading …
Development of a new approach to earthquake prediction: Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) theory
The seismogenic process is nonlinear and irreversible so that the response to loading is
different from unloading. This difference reflects the damage of a loaded material. Based on …
different from unloading. This difference reflects the damage of a loaded material. Based on …
Application of a local degradation model to the analysis of brittle fracture of laboratory scale rock specimens under triaxial conditions
Z Fang, JP Harrison - International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining …, 2002 - Elsevier
Development of brittle fracture and the associated macroscopic behaviour of rock specimens
in laboratory tests are simulated using a local degradation model for brittle fracture in …
in laboratory tests are simulated using a local degradation model for brittle fracture in …
Numerical investigation of the dynamic properties of intermittent jointed rock models subjected to cyclic uniaxial compression
Y Liu, F Dai, T Zhao, N Xu - Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017 - Springer
Intermittent jointed rocks, which exist in a myriad of engineering projects, are extraordinarily
susceptible to cyclic loadings. Understanding the dynamic fatigue properties of jointed rocks …
susceptible to cyclic loadings. Understanding the dynamic fatigue properties of jointed rocks …
Effects of strain rate on the mechanical and fracturing behaviors of rock-like specimens containing two unparallel fissures under uniaxial compression
P Feng, F Dai, Y Liu, N Xu, T Zhao - Soil dynamics and earthquake …, 2018 - Elsevier
Rocks containing unparallel fissures are likely to be subjected to dynamic loading resulting
from earthquakes in various civil engineering structures. Since dynamic loading rate …
from earthquakes in various civil engineering structures. Since dynamic loading rate …
[HTML][HTML] Principles and approaches for the machining simulation of ceramic matrix composites at microscale: a review and outlook
S Unseld, R Goller, D Koch - Open Ceramics, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC) are advanced materials composed of ceramic
fibers embedded in a ceramic matrix, resulting in a highly durable and lightweight composite …
fibers embedded in a ceramic matrix, resulting in a highly durable and lightweight composite …