The impact of fire on soil-dwelling biota: A review

G Certini, D Moya, ME Lucas-Borja… - Forest Ecology and …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Fire has always been a driving factor of life on Earth. Now that mankind has definitely joined
the other environmental forces in sha** the planet, lots of species are threatened by …

Soil fauna responses to natural disturbances, invasive species, and global climate change: Current state of the science and a call to action

DR Coyle, UJ Nagendra, MK Taylor… - Soil Biology and …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Environmental disturbances seem to be increasing in frequency and impact, yet we have
little understanding of the belowground impacts of these events. Soil fauna, while widely …

Belowground community responses to fire: meta‐analysis reveals contrasting responses of soil microorganisms and mesofauna

Y Pressler, JC Moore, MF Cotrufo - Oikos, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
Global fire regimes are shifting due to climate and land use changes. Understanding the
responses of belowground communities to fire is key to predicting changes in the ecosystem …

Fire refugia: what are they, and why do they matter for global change?

AJH Meddens, CA Kolden, JA Lutz, AMS Smith… - …, 2018‏ -
Fire refugia are landscape elements that remain unburned or minimally affected by fire,
thereby supporting postfire ecosystem function, biodiversity, and resilience to disturbances …

Spatial ecology of soil nematodes: Perspectives from global to micro scales

T Liu, F Hu, H Li - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Soil spatial heterogeneity is a major determinant of biological diversity and functions. Among
soil biota, nematodes are considered as excellent models for understanding spatial soil …

A review of speleothems as archives for paleofire proxies, with Australian case studies

M Campbell, L McDonough, PC Treble… - Reviews of …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Wildfires affect 40% of the earth's terrestrial biome, but much of our knowledge of wildfire
activity is limited to the satellite era. Improved understanding of past fires is necessary to …

Global change impacts on forest soils: linkage between soil biota and carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus stoichiometry

NI Maaroufi, JR De Long - Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2020‏ -
Forest ecosystems are subjected to global change drivers worldwide, such as increasing
temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide, nutrient pollution, as well as changes in fire and …

Why are forest fires generally neglected in soil fauna research? A mini-review

AS Zaitsev, KB Gongalsky, A Malmström, T Persson… - Applied soil ecology, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Climate change, unpredictable dry spells and human population growth are expected to
increase the frequency of forest fires. Forest fires induce damage on soil ecosystems and …

Recovery of soil macrofauna after wildfires in boreal forests

KB Gongalsky, T Persson - Soil biology and biochemistry, 2013‏ - Elsevier
Forest wildfires can severely affect the soil faunal community. We hypothesised that the
recovery of soil animals after a fire would occur through (1) immigration from the unburnt …

Forest fire induces short‐term shifts in soil food webs with consequences for carbon cycling

KB Gongalsky, AS Zaitsev, DI Korobushkin… - Ecology …, 2021‏ - Wiley Online Library
We tested for fire‐induced (5–6 years post‐fire) changes in the structure and functioning of
the soil food web along a 3000‐km north–south transect across European Russia, spanning …