A human-centric system combining smartwatch and LiDAR data to assess the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and improve ergonomics of Industry 5.0 manufacturing …

F Pistolesi, M Baldassini, B Lazzerini - Computers in Industry, 2024 - Elsevier
More than one in four workers reportedly suffer from back pain worldwide, leading to 264
million work days lost yearly. In the US alone, it causes $50 billion in healthcare costs every …

Assessing the risk of low back pain and injury via inertial and barometric sensors

F Pistolesi, B Lazzerini - ieee transactions on industrial …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Low back pain affects one in three workers in the world and is among the biggest causes of
absence from work. Almost 75% of back injuries occur when lifting loads. In warehousing …

Multiobjective personnel assignment exploiting workers' sensitivity to risk

B Lazzerini, F Pistolesi - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Every year 2.3 million people die worldwide due to occupational illnesses and accidents at
work. By analyzing the workers' behavior when in the presence of risks managers could …

[HTML][HTML] Fast and interpretable prediction of seismic kinematics of flexible retaining walls in sand through explainable artificial intelligence

F Pistolesi, M Baldassini, E Volpe, F Focacci… - Computers and …, 2025 - Elsevier
Assessing the response of earth-retaining walls to seismic loading is key for safety.
Nonlinear dynamic analyses using the finite element method (FEM) calculate the permanent …

End-of-life product disassembly with priority-based extraction of dangerous parts

M Dalle Mura, F Pistolesi, G Dini, B Lazzerini - Journal of Intelligent …, 2021 - Springer
The amount of electronic waste generated in the world is impressive. The USA alone yearly
throw away 9.4 million tons of electronic devices: only 12.5% is recycled. One way to reduce …

An integrated optimization system for safe job assignment based on human factors and behavior

B Lazzerini, F Pistolesi - IEEE Systems Journal, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Industrial safety has been deeply improved in the past years, thanks to increasingly
sophisticated technologies. Nevertheless, 2.3 million people yearly die worldwide due to …

A semi-supervised learning-aided evolutionary approach to occupational safety improvement

M Cococcioni, B Lazzerini… - 2016 IEEE Congress on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Worldwide, four people die every minute as a consequence of illnesses and accidents at
work. This considerable number makes occupational safety an important research area …

Artificial bee colony optimization to reallocate personnel to tasks improving workplace safety

B Lazzerini, F Pistolesi - Machine Learning, Optimization, and Big Data …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract Worldwide, just under 5,800 people go to work every day and do not return
because they die on the job. The groundbreaking Industry 4.0 paradigm includes innovative …

Hybrid Global/Local Derivative-Free Multi-objective Optimization via Deterministic Particle Swarm with Local Linesearch

MO via Deterministic - … , MOD 2017, Volterra, Italy, September 14 …, 2017 - books.google.com
A multi-objective deterministic hybrid algorithm (MODHA) is introduced for efficient
simulation-based design optimization. The global exploration capability of multi-objective …

Human factors-based many-objective personnel recruitment for safety-critical work environments

B Lazzerini, F Pistolesi - … 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In spite of many improvements in industrial safety of the last decades, nowadays four people
per minute die in the world for occupational illnesses and accidents at work. Besides …