[HTML][HTML] The climate change challenge: A review of the barriers and solutions to deliver a Paris solution

FD Santos, PL Ferreira, JST Pedersen - Climate, 2022 - mdpi.com
Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have continued to grow persistently since 1750.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entered into …

The challenge of antimicrobial resistance: what economics can contribute

LSJ Roope, RD Smith, KB Pouwels, J Buchanan… - Science, 2019 - science.org
BACKGROUND Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is increasing, driven by widespread
antibiotic use. The wide availability of effective antibiotics is under threat, jeopardizing …

The global costs of extreme weather that are attributable to climate change

R Newman, I Noy - Nature Communications, 2023 - nature.com
Extreme weather events lead to significant adverse societal costs. Extreme Event Attribution
(EEA), a methodology that examines how anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions had …

Comprehensive evidence implies a higher social cost of CO2

K Rennert, F Errickson, BC Prest, L Rennels… - Nature, 2022 - nature.com
The social cost of carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) measures the monetized value of the damages
to society caused by an incremental metric tonne of CO2 emissions and is a key metric …

The value of ecosystem services in global marine kelp forests

AM Eger, EM Marzinelli, R Beas-Luna, CO Blain… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
While marine kelp forests have provided valuable ecosystem services for millennia, the
global ecological and economic value of those services is largely unresolved. Kelp forests …

Quantifying the human cost of global warming

TM Lenton, C Xu, JF Abrams, A Ghadiali, S Loriani… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
The costs of climate change are often estimated in monetary terms, but this raises ethical
issues. Here we express them in terms of numbers of people left outside the 'human climate …

Cost and emissions pathways towards net-zero climate impacts in aviation

L Dray, AW Schäfer, C Grobler, C Falter… - Nature Climate …, 2022 - nature.com
Aviation emissions are not on a trajectory consistent with Paris Climate Agreement goals.
We evaluate the extent to which fuel pathways—synthetic fuels from biomass, synthetic fuels …

[HTML][HTML] Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition

R Way, MC Ives, P Mealy, JD Farmer - Joule, 2022 - cell.com
Rapidly decarbonizing the global energy system is critical for addressing climate change,
but concerns about costs have been a barrier to implementation. Most energy-economy …

Social cost of carbon estimates have increased over time

RSJ Tol - Nature climate change, 2023 - nature.com
Estimates of the social cost of carbon are the yardstick for climate policy targets. However,
there is great uncertainty and we do not know how estimates have evolved over time. Here I …

Assessing China's efforts to pursue the 1.5 C warming limit

H Duan, S Zhou, K Jiang, C Bertram, M Harmsen… - Science, 2021 - science.org
Given the increasing interest in kee** global warming below 1.5° C, a key question is
what this would mean for China's emission pathway, energy restructuring, and …