Broadband 1-GHz mid-infrared frequency comb

N Hoghooghi, S **ng, P Chang, D Lesko… - Light: Science & …, 2022 -
Mid-infrared (MIR) spectrometers are invaluable tools for molecular fingerprinting and hyper-
spectral imaging. Among the available spectroscopic approaches, GHz MIR dual-comb …

[HTML][HTML] Noise measurement and reduction in mode-locked lasers: Fundamentals for low-noise optical frequency combs

H Tian, Y Song, M Hu - Applied Sciences, 2021 -
After five decades of development, mode-locked lasers have become significant building
blocks for many optical systems in scientific research, industry, and biomedicine. Advances …

Photonic flywheel in a monolithic fiber resonator

K Jia, X Wang, D Kwon, J Wang, E Tsao, H Liu, X Ni… - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
We demonstrate the first compact photonic flywheel with sub-fs time jitter (averaging times
up to 10 μ s) at the quantum-noise limit of a monolithic fiber resonator. Such quantum-limited …

Squeezed dual-comb spectroscopy

DI Herman, M Walsh, MK Kreider, N Lordi, EJ Tsao… - Science, 2025 -
Optical frequency combs have enabled distinct advantages in broadband, high-resolution
spectroscopy and precision interferometry. However, quantum mechanics ultimately limits …

[HTML][HTML] 20 GHz fiber-integrated femtosecond pulse and supercontinuum generation with a resonant electro-optic frequency comb

P Sekhar, C Fredrick, DR Carlson, ZL Newman… - APL Photonics, 2023 -
Frequency combs with mode spacing of 10–20 GHz are critical for increasingly important
applications such as astronomical spectrograph calibration, high-speed dual-comb …

11-μs time-resolved, continuous dual-comb spectroscopy with spectrally filtered mode-locked frequency combs

N Hoghooghi, RK Cole, GB Rieker - Applied Physics B, 2021 - Springer
Broadband dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) based on portable mode-locked fiber frequency
combs is a powerful tool for in situ, calibration-free, multi-species spectroscopy. While the …

Powerful 1-µm 1-GHz optical frequency comb

M Müller, M Hamrouni, KN Komagata, A Parriaux… - Optics …, 2023 -
A self-referenced optical frequency comb is presented based on Kerr-lens mode-locking of
ytterbium-doped CALGO. The robust source delivers 3.5 W average power in 44 fs-long …

[HTML][HTML] 10 GHz generation with ultra-low phase noise via the transfer oscillator technique

NV Nardelli, TM Fortier, M Pomponio, E Baumann… - APL Photonics, 2022 -
Coherent frequency division of high-stability optical sources permits the extraction of
microwave signals with ultra-low phase noise, enabling their application to systems with …

Optical and Microwave Metrology at the 10−18 Level with an Er/Yb:glass Frequency Comb

NV Nardelli, H Leopardi, TR Schibli… - Laser & Photonics …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Optical frequency combs are essential tools for precision metrology experiments ranging in
application from remote spectroscopic sensing of trace gases to the characterization and …

1-GHz dual-comb spectrometer with high mutual coherence for fast and broadband measurements

T Voumard, J Darvill, T Wildi, M Ludwig, C Mohr… - Optics letters, 2022 -
Dual-frequency comb spectroscopy permits broadband precision spectroscopy with high
acquisition rate. The combs' repetition rates as well as the mutual coherence between the …