Quantum repeaters: From quantum networks to the quantum internet
A quantum internet is the holy grail of quantum information processing, enabling the
deployment of a broad range of quantum technologies and protocols on a global scale …
deployment of a broad range of quantum technologies and protocols on a global scale …
Applications of single photons to quantum communication and computing
In the context of quantum technologies, the generation and manipulation of single photons
has become a key element for applications such as quantum communication and quantum …
has become a key element for applications such as quantum communication and quantum …
Prospects and applications of on-chip lasers
Integrated silicon photonics has sparked a significant ramp-up of investment in both
academia and industry as a scalable, power-efficient, and eco-friendly solution. At the heart …
academia and industry as a scalable, power-efficient, and eco-friendly solution. At the heart …
A survey of important issues in quantum computing and communications
Driven by the rapid progress in quantum hardware, recent years have witnessed a furious
race for quantum technologies in both academia and industry. Universal quantum …
race for quantum technologies in both academia and industry. Universal quantum …
Micius quantum experiments in space
Quantum theory has been successfully validated in numerous laboratory experiments. But
would such a theory, which effectively describes the behavior of microscopic physical …
would such a theory, which effectively describes the behavior of microscopic physical …
Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology
The generation, manipulation, storage, and detection of single photons play a central role in
emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying …
emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying …
[HTML][HTML] Distributed quantum computing: a survey
Nowadays, quantum computing has reached the engineering phase, with fully-functional
quantum processors integrating hundreds of noisy qubits. Yet–to fully unveil the potential of …
quantum processors integrating hundreds of noisy qubits. Yet–to fully unveil the potential of …
One-step quantum secure direct communication
Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) attracts much attention for it can transmit
secret messages directly without sharing a key. In this article, we propose a one-step QSDC …
secret messages directly without sharing a key. In this article, we propose a one-step QSDC …
[HTML][HTML] Continuous-variable quantum key distribution system: Past, present, and future
Quantum key distribution provides secure keys with information-theoretic security ensured
by the principle of quantum mechanics. The continuous-variable version of quantum key …
by the principle of quantum mechanics. The continuous-variable version of quantum key …
Entanglement-based secure quantum cryptography over 1,120 kilometres
Abstract Quantum key distribution (QKD),–is a theoretically secure way of sharing secret
keys between remote users. It has been demonstrated in a laboratory over a coiled optical …
keys between remote users. It has been demonstrated in a laboratory over a coiled optical …