A review and meta-analysis of remote sensing data, GIS methods, materials and indices used for monitoring the coastline evolution over the last twenty years
The current review study focuses on a statistical analysis (Meta-analysis) of the most
common methods, materials, software, and indices used by researchers over the last twenty …
common methods, materials, software, and indices used by researchers over the last twenty …
[HTML][HTML] Map** Australia's dynamic coastline at mean sea level using three decades of Landsat imagery
Accurate, robust and consistent coastline map** is critical for characterising and
managing coastal change. Satellite earth observation provides an unparalleled source of …
managing coastal change. Satellite earth observation provides an unparalleled source of …
Coastline detection in satellite imagery: A deep learning approach on new benchmark data
Detailed and up-to-date coastline morphology data underpins our understanding of
coastline change over time. The development of an automated and scalable coastline …
coastline change over time. The development of an automated and scalable coastline …
Analysis of shoreline changes in Vishakhapatnam coastal tract of Andhra Pradesh, India: an application of digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS)
Coastline or Shoreline calculation is one of the important factors in the finding of coastal
accretion and erosion and the study of coastal morphodynamic. Coastal erosion is a …
accretion and erosion and the study of coastal morphodynamic. Coastal erosion is a …
Monitoring shoreline changes along the southwestern coast of South Africa from 1937 to 2020 using varied remote sensing data and approaches
Shoreline analysis in response to the rapid erosion of sandy beaches has evolved along
with geospatial and computer technology; it remains an essential task for sustainable …
with geospatial and computer technology; it remains an essential task for sustainable …
Citizen science for monitoring seasonal-scale beach erosion and behaviour with aerial drones
Sandy beaches are highly dynamic systems which provide natural protection from the
impact of waves to coastal communities. With coastal erosion hazards predicted to increase …
impact of waves to coastal communities. With coastal erosion hazards predicted to increase …
[HTML][HTML] Satellite-based shoreline detection along high-energy macrotidal coasts and influence of beach state
Earth observation coupled with novel image analysis techniques now present a unique and
powerful tool for the historical study of shoreline change at local to global scale. However …
powerful tool for the historical study of shoreline change at local to global scale. However …
Combination of aerial, satellite, and UAV photogrammetry for map** the diachronic coastline evolution: the case of Lefkada Island
Coastline evolution is a proxy of coastal erosion, defined as the wasting of land along the
shoreline due to a combination of natural and/or human causes. For countries with a sea …
shoreline due to a combination of natural and/or human causes. For countries with a sea …
[PDF][PDF] Impacts of climate change on coastal geomorphology and coastal erosion relevant to the coastal and marine environment around the UK
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A large proportion of the coastline of the UK and Ireland is currently
suffering from erosion (17% in the UK; 19.9% in Ireland) and of the 3700 km coastline of …
suffering from erosion (17% in the UK; 19.9% in Ireland) and of the 3700 km coastline of …
Assessment of shoreline changes using historical satellite images and geospatial analysis along the Lake Salda in Turkey
This study was performed along the shorelines of Lake Salda in Turkey during the elapsed
period from 1975 to 2019 in order to detect shoreline changes. Within this framework …
period from 1975 to 2019 in order to detect shoreline changes. Within this framework …