Frequency-bin photonic quantum information
Discrete frequency modes, or bins, present a blend of opportunities and challenges for
photonic quantum information processing. Frequency-bin-encoded photons are readily …
photonic quantum information processing. Frequency-bin-encoded photons are readily …
Quantum optical microcombs
A key challenge for quantum science and technology is to realize large-scale, precisely
controllable, practical systems for non-classical secured communications, metrology and …
controllable, practical systems for non-classical secured communications, metrology and …
Integrated femtosecond pulse generator on thin-film lithium niobate
Integrated femtosecond pulse and frequency comb sources are critical components for a
wide range of applications, including optical atomic clocks, microwave photonics …
wide range of applications, including optical atomic clocks, microwave photonics …
Lithium niobate photonic-crystal electro-optic modulator
Modern advanced photonic integrated circuits require dense integration of high-speed
electro-optic functional elements on a compact chip that consumes only moderate power …
electro-optic functional elements on a compact chip that consumes only moderate power …
On-chip generation of high-dimensional entangled quantum states and their coherent control
Optical quantum states based on entangled photons are essential for solving questions in
fundamental physics and are at the heart of quantum information science. Specifically, the …
fundamental physics and are at the heart of quantum information science. Specifically, the …
Hybrid integration methods for on-chip quantum photonics
The goal of integrated quantum photonics is to combine components for the generation,
manipulation, and detection of nonclassical light in a phase-stable and efficient platform …
manipulation, and detection of nonclassical light in a phase-stable and efficient platform …
Experimental realisations of the fractional Schrödinger equation in the temporal domain
The fractional Schrödinger equation (FSE)—a natural extension of the standard Schrödinger
equation—is the basis of fractional quantum mechanics. It can be obtained by replacing the …
equation—is the basis of fractional quantum mechanics. It can be obtained by replacing the …
Electronically programmable photonic molecule
Physical systems with discrete energy levels are ubiquitous in nature and are fundamental
building blocks of quantum technology. Realizing controllable artificial atom-and molecule …
building blocks of quantum technology. Realizing controllable artificial atom-and molecule …
Simulating the vibrational quantum dynamics of molecules using photonics
Advances in control techniques for vibrational quantum states in molecules present new
challenges for modelling such systems, which could be amenable to quantum simulation …
challenges for modelling such systems, which could be amenable to quantum simulation …
Frequency-encoded photonic qubits for scalable quantum information processing
Among the objectives for large-scale quantum computation is the quantum interconnect: a
device that uses photons to interface qubits that otherwise could not interact. However, the …
device that uses photons to interface qubits that otherwise could not interact. However, the …