Review of fractional PID controller

P Shah, S Agashe - Mechatronics, 2016 - Elsevier
Fractional calculus has been studied for over three centuries, and it has multifarious
applications in science and engineering. This review investigates its progress since the first …

[HTML][HTML] Fractional-order PID controllers for temperature control: A review

AA Jamil, WF Tu, SW Ali, Y Terriche, JM Guerrero - Energies, 2022 -
Fractional-order proportional integral derivative (FOPID) controllers are becoming
increasingly popular for various industrial applications due to the advantages they can offer …

Lyapunov functions for fractional order systems

N Aguila-Camacho, MA Duarte-Mermoud… - … in nonlinear science …, 2014 - Elsevier
A new lemma for the Caputo fractional derivatives, when 0< α< 1, is proposed in this paper.
This result has proved to be useful in order to apply the fractional-order extension of …

Using general quadratic Lyapunov functions to prove Lyapunov uniform stability for fractional order systems

MA Duarte-Mermoud, N Aguila-Camacho… - … in Nonlinear Science …, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper presents two new lemmas related to the Caputo fractional derivatives, when α∈
0, 1, for the case of general quadratic forms and for the case where the trace of the product …

Towards industrialization of FOPID controllers: A survey on milestones of fractional-order control and pathways for future developments

A Tepljakov, BB Alagoz, C Yeroglu, EA Gonzalez… - IEEE …, 2021 -
The interest in fractional-order (FO) control can be traced back to the late nineteenth century.
The growing tendency towards using fractional-order proportional-integral-derivative …

Design of cascaded controller based on coyote optimizer for load frequency control in multi-area power systems with renewable sources

AA Abou El-Ela, RA El-Sehiemy, AM Shaheen… - Control engineering …, 2022 - Elsevier
Electricity generation from renewable sources is on the rise. The irregular presence of these
sources increases the frequency variations induced by the load variance. The penetration of …

[HTML][HTML] Optimal design of Fractional order PID controller based Automatic voltage regulator system using gradient-based optimization algorithm

SMA Altbawi, ASB Mokhtar, TA Jumani, I Khan… - Journal of King Saud …, 2024 - Elsevier
Considering the superior control characteristics and increased tuning flexibility of the
Fractional-Order Proportional Integral Derivative (FOPID) controller than the conventional …

[HTML][HTML] Optimal design of automatic voltage regulation controller using hybrid simulated annealing–Manta ray foraging optimization algorithm

M Micev, M Ćalasan, ZM Ali, HM Hasanien… - Ain Shams Engineering …, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper presents a hybrid metaheuristic method for optimal tuning of four different types
of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) …

Optimization techniques to enhance the performance of induction motor drives: A review

MA Hannan, JA Ali, A Mohamed, A Hussain - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2018 - Elsevier
Induction motor (IM) drives, specifically the three-phase IMs, are a nonlinear system that are
difficult to explain theoretically because of their sudden changes in load or speed conditions …

Design of fractional order PID controller for automatic regulator voltage system based on multi-objective extremal optimization

GQ Zeng, J Chen, YX Dai, LM Li, CW Zheng, MR Chen - Neurocomputing, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Design of an effective and efficient fractional order PID (FOPID) controller, as a
generalization of a standard PID controller based on fractional order calculus, for an …