Affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement in ePIRLS: a latent profile analysis
Engagement in digital reading assessments has been underexplored in spite of its
importance for assessment and instructional design. In this study, we used different …
importance for assessment and instructional design. In this study, we used different …
New managerialism: The educational executives' selection policies in the educational administration in Greece
This study attempted to explore the impact of New Public Management policies on the
selection process of the educational executives in Greece, in the 1981-2020 period. For this …
selection process of the educational executives in Greece, in the 1981-2020 period. For this …
Globalisation, Education Policy, and Change: Global Trends and the Power of Education in a Changing World
The book chapter examines the shift of interest in the education sector, from management to
one of leadership underlines the attempts to achieve education quality and success and …
one of leadership underlines the attempts to achieve education quality and success and …
Kamuya değer katma bağlamında yeni kamu yönetiminde inovasyon: Dijital yönetişim
H Boyalı - … Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
Günümüzde toplumsal ihtiyaçlar genellikle devlet ya da devlet denetimi altındaki kişi veya
kurumlar tarafından karşılanmaktadır. Bu nedenle kamu yönetiminin sunmuş olduğu mal ve …
kurumlar tarafından karşılanmaktadır. Bu nedenle kamu yönetiminin sunmuş olduğu mal ve …
[PDF][PDF] Ideaalilukijan jäljillä: Käsityksiä tekstinulkoisen lukijuuden ihanteista suomalaisessa lukemiskulttuurissa
R Suomalainen - Sananjalka (Turku), 2022 - researchportal.helsinki.fi
Muuttuva lukijuus-hankkeessa syksyllä 2021 teetetyssä kyselyssä kirjoja lukevia ihmisiä
pyydettiin luonnehtimaan itseään lukijoina. Eräs kuvailee itseään todelliseksi lukutoukaksi …
pyydettiin luonnehtimaan itseään lukijoina. Eräs kuvailee itseään todelliseksi lukutoukaksi …
[PDF][PDF] Africanization of the Management Function for Employability of Graduates From a Selected Institution of Higher Learning in the Eastern Cape Province of South …
With assertions that the management function has been based on a Eurocentric perspective
over the years, this study considered the Africanization of management within a selected …
over the years, this study considered the Africanization of management within a selected …
Influencia del Programa “Lurawi Perú” en la calidad de vida de las familias beneficiadas de la región Amazonas, 2022
MM Grandez Muñoz - 2022 - alicia.concytec.gob.pe
El presente estudio rigió su objetivo en determinar la influencia del programa social “Lurawi
Perú” en el nivel de calidad de vida de las familias beneficiarias de la región Amazonas …
Perú” en el nivel de calidad de vida de las familias beneficiarias de la región Amazonas …
Convoquer des cadres théoriques pour en faire la critique à partir des terrains africains: quelle est la pertinence scientifique d'un tel projet?
H Nekka 1 - Revue internationale des sciences de l'organisation, 2016 - cairn.info
En voulant répondre à cette question qui est au cœur de la revue RISO, nous dérogeons ici
nécessairement à la tradition d'un éditorial classique. Ce premier numéro, signe de …
nécessairement à la tradition d'un éditorial classique. Ce premier numéro, signe de …
Značaj i Uticaj menadžmenta na ključne Pokazatelje Aktivnosti hirurških Klinika
SM Novak - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Квалитетне и сврсисходне промене у секундарним и терцијарним здравственим
установама у Србији могу се очекивати само уз темељне трансформације руковођења …
установама у Србији могу се очекивати само уз темељне трансформације руковођења …