Affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement in ePIRLS: a latent profile analysis

E Anghel, E Wry, M von Davier - Educational technology research and …, 2025‏ - Springer
Engagement in digital reading assessments has been underexplored in spite of its
importance for assessment and instructional design. In this study, we used different …

New managerialism: The educational executives' selection policies in the educational administration in Greece

VP Andrikopoulos, AA Ifanti - Educational Practice and Theory, 2022‏ -
This study attempted to explore the impact of New Public Management policies on the
selection process of the educational executives in Greece, in the 1981-2020 period. For this …

Globalisation, Education Policy, and Change: Global Trends and the Power of Education in a Changing World

AA Ifanti - … Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy …, 2024‏ - Springer
The book chapter examines the shift of interest in the education sector, from management to
one of leadership underlines the attempts to achieve education quality and success and …

Kamuya değer katma bağlamında yeni kamu yönetiminde inovasyon: Dijital yönetişim

H Boyalı - … Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2023‏ -
Günümüzde toplumsal ihtiyaçlar genellikle devlet ya da devlet denetimi altındaki kişi veya
kurumlar tarafından karşılanmaktadır. Bu nedenle kamu yönetiminin sunmuş olduğu mal ve …

[PDF][PDF] Ideaalilukijan jäljillä: Käsityksiä tekstinulkoisen lukijuuden ihanteista suomalaisessa lukemiskulttuurissa

R Suomalainen - Sananjalka (Turku), 2022‏ -
Muuttuva lukijuus-hankkeessa syksyllä 2021 teetetyssä kyselyssä kirjoja lukevia ihmisiä
pyydettiin luonnehtimaan itseään lukijoina. Eräs kuvailee itseään todelliseksi lukutoukaksi …

[PDF][PDF] Africanization of the Management Function for Employability of Graduates From a Selected Institution of Higher Learning in the Eastern Cape Province of South …

NP Mefi, SN Asoba - Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (MyRes)‏ -
With assertions that the management function has been based on a Eurocentric perspective
over the years, this study considered the Africanization of management within a selected …

Influencia del Programa “Lurawi Perú” en la calidad de vida de las familias beneficiadas de la región Amazonas, 2022

MM Grandez Muñoz - 2022‏ -
El presente estudio rigió su objetivo en determinar la influencia del programa social “Lurawi
Perú” en el nivel de calidad de vida de las familias beneficiarias de la región Amazonas …

Convoquer des cadres théoriques pour en faire la critique à partir des terrains africains: quelle est la pertinence scientifique d'un tel projet?

H Nekka 1 - Revue internationale des sciences de l'organisation, 2016‏ -
En voulant répondre à cette question qui est au cœur de la revue RISO, nous dérogeons ici
nécessairement à la tradition d'un éditorial classique. Ce premier numéro, signe de …

Značaj i Uticaj menadžmenta na ključne Pokazatelje Aktivnosti hirurških Klinika

SM Novak - 2019‏ -
Квалитетне и сврсисходне промене у секундарним и терцијарним здравственим
установама у Србији могу се очекивати само уз темељне трансформације руковођења …