Hydrophones, fundamental features, design considerations, and various structures: A review
This paper presents a comprehensive review of hydrophones, their design considerations,
physical aspects, and structures by reviewing many publications that have been published …
physical aspects, and structures by reviewing many publications that have been published …
OceanGliders: a component of the integrated GOOS
The OceanGliders program started in 2016 to support active coordination and enhancement
of global glider activity. OceanGliders contributes to the international efforts of the Global …
of global glider activity. OceanGliders contributes to the international efforts of the Global …
[HTML][HTML] Emerging MEMS sensors for ocean physics: Principles, materials, and applications
The use of ocean sensors is crucial for exploration of the ocean and harnessing the potential
of its resources. However, conventional ocean sensors are limited by their fabrication …
of its resources. However, conventional ocean sensors are limited by their fabrication …
NOAA and BOEM minimum recommendations for use of passive acoustic listening systems in offshore wind energy development monitoring and mitigation programs
Offshore wind energy development is rapidly ram** up in United States (US) waters in
order to meet renewable energy goals. With a diverse suite of endangered large whale …
order to meet renewable energy goals. With a diverse suite of endangered large whale …
Gliders for passive acoustic monitoring of the oceanic environment
Ocean gliders are quiet, buoyancy-driven, long-endurance, profiling autonomous platforms.
Gliders therefore possess unique advantages as platforms for Passive Acoustic Monitoring …
Gliders therefore possess unique advantages as platforms for Passive Acoustic Monitoring …
Modern technologies and integrated observing systems are “instrumental” to fisheries oceanography: A brief history of ocean data collection
FB Schwing - Fisheries Oceanography, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Interdisciplinary data fuel fisheries oceanography research and the ecosystem‐based
approaches to management and sustainable development it informs. Underlying this is a …
approaches to management and sustainable development it informs. Underlying this is a …
A response to scientific and societal needs for marine biological observations
Development of global ocean observing capacity for the biological EOVs is on the cusp of a
step-change. Current capacity to automate data collection and processing and to integrate …
step-change. Current capacity to automate data collection and processing and to integrate …
[HTML][HTML] Near real-time marine mammal monitoring from gliders: Practical challenges, system development, and management implications
In 2017, an endangered North Atlantic right whale mortality event in the Gulf of St. Lawrence,
Canada, triggered the implementation of dynamic mitigation measures that required real …
Canada, triggered the implementation of dynamic mitigation measures that required real …
Research on high sound pressure sensitivity and low noise hydrophones for underwater gliders
Underwater gliders have enormous potential for applications such as ocean exploration, the
classification of large marine mammals, maritime surveillance, reconnaissance missions …
classification of large marine mammals, maritime surveillance, reconnaissance missions …
The use of underwater gliders as acoustic sensing platforms
C Jiang, JL Li, W Xu - Applied Sciences, 2019 - mdpi.com
Underwater gliders travel through the ocean by buoyancy control, which makes their motion
silent and involves low energy consumption. Due to those advantages, numerous studies on …
silent and involves low energy consumption. Due to those advantages, numerous studies on …