[HTML][HTML] A roadmap for the future of crowd safety research and practice: Introducing the Swiss Cheese Model of Crowd Safety and the imperative of a Vision Zero …
M Haghani, M Coughlan, B Crabb, A Dierickx… - Safety science, 2023 - Elsevier
Crowds can be subject to intrinsic and extrinsic sources of risk, and previous records have
shown that, in the absence of adequate safety measures, these sources of risk can …
shown that, in the absence of adequate safety measures, these sources of risk can …
Tillit, følelser, normer og sosial distansering: En longitudinell studie av den norske befolkningen under Covid-19-pandemien
Artikkelen undersøker forklaringer på etterlevelse av råd om sosial distansering under Covid-
19-pandemien i den norske befolkningen, med vekt på tillit, følelser og sosiale normer. I tråd …
19-pandemien i den norske befolkningen, med vekt på tillit, følelser og sosiale normer. I tråd …
Consensus or conflict? A Survey analysis of how Norwegians interpret the July 22, 2011 attacks a decade later
The dominant narrative about the right-wing terrorist attacks in Norway on July 22, 2011,
suggests that they were an attack on the Norwegian democracy, that the perpetrator was …
suggests that they were an attack on the Norwegian democracy, that the perpetrator was …
Fear-triggering effects of terrorism threats: Cross-country comparison in a terrorism news scenario experiment
Terrorist attacks can instigate widespread and long-lasting fear. Mass media can enforce
fear by framing the events and affecting their perceptions. We implemented a news …
fear by framing the events and affecting their perceptions. We implemented a news …
The long-term impacts of attacks: The case of the July 22, 2011 attacks in Norway
This special issue explores the long-term impacts of the July 22 attacks in Norway in 2011,
carried out by an extreme right terrorist lone actor. The Introduction article will first describe …
carried out by an extreme right terrorist lone actor. The Introduction article will first describe …
Contemporary challenges in crowd safety research and practice, and a roadmap for the future: The Swiss Cheese Model of Crowd Safety and the need for a Vision …
M Haghani, M Coughlan, B Crabb, A Dierickx… - 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
Crowds can be subject to intrinsic and extrinsic sources of risk, and previous records have
shown that, in the absence of adequate safety measures, these sources of risk can …
shown that, in the absence of adequate safety measures, these sources of risk can …
Taking the “terror” out of “terrorism”: The promise and potential of fear reducing education
MM Sjøen - 2023 - bora.uib.no
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how education can help students develop
democratic resilience as a bulwark against terror-induced fear, securitization, and possibly …
democratic resilience as a bulwark against terror-induced fear, securitization, and possibly …
Fear drop and fear change. Perceptions of security in the 21st century: their formation, trends, and impact in society
M Eysink Smeets - 2021 - orca.cardiff.ac.uk
This thesis is an exploratory study of perceptions of security in the 21st century, the way they
form and have developed in recent decades, as well as their impact in society. The study is …
form and have developed in recent decades, as well as their impact in society. The study is …
[PDF][PDF] Prevention of public panic in the wake of terrorist incidents
J Merizalde, JD Colautti, JJF Forest - Handbook of terrorism prevenfion and …, 2021 - icct.nl
Public panic in the wake of a terrorist incident is counterproductive, providing benefits only to
the perpetrators of the incident as well as those who seek to capitalize on fear and panic for …
the perpetrators of the incident as well as those who seek to capitalize on fear and panic for …
Measuring Affective Polarization
A Flores - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Affective polarization is typically defined as the extent to which people dislike and distrust
members of the opposing political party. However, researchers diverge in approaches to …
members of the opposing political party. However, researchers diverge in approaches to …