Differing perspectives on the use of high-content SBS polymer-modified bitumen
Modified bitumen is a critical material to ensure the durability of asphalt pavements.
Traditional polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) has been widely researched and applied in the …
Traditional polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) has been widely researched and applied in the …
[HTML][HTML] Predictive models for flexible pavement fatigue cracking based on machine learning
Pavement performance prediction is crucial for ensuring the longevity and safety of road
networks. In our extensive study, we employ a diverse array of techniques to enhance …
networks. In our extensive study, we employ a diverse array of techniques to enhance …
[HTML][HTML] Unraveling the influence of fibers on aging susceptibility and performance of high content polymer modified asphalt mixtures
Abstract High-Content SBS Polymer Modified Asphalt Mixtures (HCPMA) combined with
fibers have gained popularity in porous pavement construction due to their superior …
fibers have gained popularity in porous pavement construction due to their superior …
Asphalt binder characterization using waveform-based viscoelastic measures and time-temperature superposition principle under large strains
Abstract In the United States, currently peak-to-peak oscillatory shear stress-strain data is
used in the asphalt binder characterization protocols. This practice necessitates the …
used in the asphalt binder characterization protocols. This practice necessitates the …
Effects of waste high-density polyethylene (HDPE) on asphalt binder and airfield mixes
Flexible airport pavements may require polymer-modified asphalt binder for their asphalt
concrete (AC) mixes to withstand heavy gear loading and slow traffic moving in taxiways and …
concrete (AC) mixes to withstand heavy gear loading and slow traffic moving in taxiways and …
Modified asphalt with graphene-enhanced polymeric compound: A case study
In recent years, the increased use of heavy commercial vehicles with higher axle weights
has required the development of innovative technologies to improve the mechanical …
has required the development of innovative technologies to improve the mechanical …
Evaluation of the use of a HiMA binder to extend the durability of porous friction courses (PFC)
Porous friction courses (PFC) are thin layers of asphalt mixtures with open gradations and
high air void contents, which are placed over conventional flexible pavements. Although …
high air void contents, which are placed over conventional flexible pavements. Although …
Laboratory and field performance evaluation of pavement sections with high polymer-modified asphalt overlays
J Habbouche, I Boz, BK Diefenderfer - 2021 - rosap.ntl.bts.gov
In 2014, researchers at the Virginia Transportation Research Council initiated a study to
evaluate the effectiveness of using high polymer-modified (HP) binders in surface asphalt …
evaluate the effectiveness of using high polymer-modified (HP) binders in surface asphalt …
Thermal cracking in cold regions' asphalt mixtures prepared using high polymer modified binders and softening agents
This study was conducted to assess high polymer modified asphalt binders including a corn
oil-based softening agent (SA) and their impact on the cracking performance of mixtures in …
oil-based softening agent (SA) and their impact on the cracking performance of mixtures in …
Multi-level laboratory performance evaluation of conventional and high polymer-modified asphalt mixtures
Asphalt concrete (AC) overlays have been one of the most common treatments used by the
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for maintaining/rehabilitating pavements …
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for maintaining/rehabilitating pavements …