[BOOK][B] Rethinking old age: Theorising the fourth age

P Higgs, C Gilleard - 2017 - books.google.com
With the aspiration for a long life now achievable for many individuals, the status of old age
as a distinct social position has become problematic. In this radical re-examination of the …

[BOOK][B] Lifelong learning in later life

B Findsen, M Formosa - 2012 - books.google.com
This first truly comprehensive interdisciplinary, international critique of theory and practice in
lifelong learning as it relates to later life is an absolute tour de force. Alexandra Withnall …

[BOOK][B] Routledge handbook of cultural gerontology

J Twigg, W Martin - 2015 - api.taylorfrancis.com
We would like to thank Rachel Hazelwood, our Editorial Administrator for the Routledge
Handbook of Cultural Gerontology who showed organisation, patience and kindness …

Wellbeing and place

S Atkinson, S Fuller, J Painter - Wellbeing and place, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent
chapters of this book. The book explores the relationships between wellbeing and place in …

Frailty, abjection and the 'othering'of the fourth age

P Higgs, C Gilleard - Health Sociology Review, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Once exceptional, a long life is now an everyday expectation for many citizens of the
prosperous nations. The consequence of this transformation in life expectancy however has …

[HTML][HTML] From triple win to triple sin: How a problematic future discourse is sha** the way people age with technology

L Neven, A Peine - Societies, 2017 - mdpi.com
This essay provides a critical analysis of the ageing-and-innovation discourse. The ageing-
and-innovation discourse is a key rhetorical structure that legitimizes very large investments …

The rise of the “innosumer”—Rethinking older technology users

A Peine, I Rollwagen, L Neven - Technological forecasting and social …, 2014 - Elsevier
Demographic aging is among the most striking challenges industrialized economies face; it
will lead to profound changes in consumption structures. How these changes will affect …

Science, technology and the 'grand challenge'of ageing—Understanding the socio-material constitution of later life

A Peine, A Faulkner, B Jæger, E Moors - Technological Forecasting and …, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper, we introduce the themes addressed and the approaches used in this special
issue. We start by briefly discussing the state of the art in research and policy making related …

Clothing, identity and the embodiment of age

J Twigg - Textile-led design for the active ageing population, 2014 - books.google.com
Design needs to be set in the context of the wider debates around the role of dress in the
constitution of social identities. Much of the sociological literature on fashion and dress has …

[BOOK][B] Generations: The time machine in theory and practice

J Burnett - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Generations: The Time Machine in Theory and Practice challenges the fragmented and
diverse use of the concept of generation commonly found in the social sciences. It …