Natural disturbance impacts on ecosystem services and biodiversity in temperate and boreal forests
In many parts of the world forest disturbance regimes have intensified recently, and future
climatic changes are expected to amplify this development further in the coming decades …
climatic changes are expected to amplify this development further in the coming decades …
The evolution, ecology, and conservation of hummingbirds and their interactions with flowering plants
The ecological co‐dependency between plants and hummingbirds is a classic example of a
mutualistic interaction: hummingbirds rely on floral nectar to fuel their rapid metabolisms …
mutualistic interaction: hummingbirds rely on floral nectar to fuel their rapid metabolisms …
Meta‐analysis of avian and small‐mammal response to fire severity and fire surrogate treatments in US fire‐prone forests
Management in fire‐prone ecosystems relies widely upon application of prescribed fire
and/or fire surrogate (eg, forest thinning) treatments to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem …
and/or fire surrogate (eg, forest thinning) treatments to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem …
Climate change impacts on fire regimes and key ecosystem services in Rocky Mountain forests
Forests and woodlands in the central Rocky Mountains span broad gradients in climate,
elevation, and other environmental conditions, and therefore encompass a great diversity of …
elevation, and other environmental conditions, and therefore encompass a great diversity of …
Characterization of post-fire surface cover, soils, and burn severity at the Cerro Grande Fire, New Mexico, using hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing
Forest fires leave behind a changed ecosystem with a patchwork of surface cover that
includes ash, charred organic matter, soils and soil minerals, and dead, damaged, and living …
includes ash, charred organic matter, soils and soil minerals, and dead, damaged, and living …
Examining historical and current mixed-severity fire regimes in ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests of western North America
There is widespread concern that fire exclusion has led to an unprecedented threat of
uncharacteristically severe fires in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex. Laws) and …
uncharacteristically severe fires in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex. Laws) and …
Limitations to propagule dispersal will constrain postfire recovery of plants and fungi in western coniferous forests
Many forest species are adapted to long-interval, high-severity fires, but the intervals
between severe fires are decreasing with changes in climate, land use, and biological …
between severe fires are decreasing with changes in climate, land use, and biological …
Mixed‐severity fire regimes: lessons and hypotheses from the Klamath‐Siskiyou Ecoregion
Although mixed‐severity fires are among the most widespread disturbances influencing
western North American forests, they remain the least understood. A major question is the …
western North American forests, they remain the least understood. A major question is the …
Modeling the effects of environmental disturbance on wildlife communities: avian responses to prescribed fire
Prescribed fire is a management tool used to reduce fuel loads on public lands in forested
areas in the western United States. Identifying the impacts of prescribed fire on bird …
areas in the western United States. Identifying the impacts of prescribed fire on bird …
Cycles of species replacement emerge from locally induced maternal effects on offspring behavior in a passerine bird
An important question in ecology is how mechanistic processes occurring among individuals
drive large-scale patterns of community formation and change. Here we show that in two …
drive large-scale patterns of community formation and change. Here we show that in two …