Surface emission from neutron stars and implications for the physics of their interiors

F Özel - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2012 -
Neutron stars are associated with diverse physical phenomena that take place in conditions
characterized by ultrahigh densities as well as intense gravitational, magnetic and radiation …

A unified description of the timing features of accreting X-ray binaries

T Belloni, D Psaltis, M van der Klis - The Astrophysical Journal, 2002 -
We study an empirical model for a unified description of the power spectra of accreting
neutron stars and black holes. This description is based on a superposition of multiple …

Constraints on the high-density nuclear equation of state from the phenomenology of compact stars and heavy-ion collisions

T Klähn, D Blaschke, S Typel, ENE Van Dalen… - Physical Review C …, 2006 - APS
A new scheme for testing nuclear matter equations of state (EoSs) at high densities using
constraints from neutron star (NS) phenomenology and a flow data analysis of heavy-ion …

Global optical/infrared–X-ray correlations in X-ray binaries: quantifying disc and jet contributions

DM Russell, RP Fender, RI Hynes… - Monthly Notices of …, 2006 -
The optical/near-infrared (OIR) region of the spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries (XBs)
appears to lie at the intersection of a variety of different emission processes. In this paper we …

Detecting gravitational wave emission from the known accreting neutron stars

AL Watts, B Krishnan, L Bildsten… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2008 -
Detection of gravitational waves from accreting neutron stars (NSs) in our Galaxy, due to
ellipticity or internal oscillation, would be a breakthrough in our understanding of compact …

Relativistic iron emission lines in neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries as probes of neutron star radii

EM Cackett, JM Miller, S Bhattacharyya… - The Astrophysical …, 2008 -
Using Suzaku observations of three neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries (Ser X–1, 4U 1820–
30, and GX 349+ 2) we have found broad, asymmetric, relativistic Fe K emission lines in all …

[HTML][HTML] Solution of the hyperon puzzle within a relativistic mean-field model

KA Maslov, EE Kolomeitsev, DN Voskresensky - Physics Letters B, 2015 - Elsevier
The equation of state of cold baryonic matter is studied within a relativistic mean-field model
with hadron masses and coupling constants depending on the scalar field. All hadron …

Jet spectral breaks in black hole X-ray binaries

DM Russell, S Markoff, P Casella… - Monthly Notices of …, 2013 -
In X-ray binaries, compact jets are known to commonly radiate at radio to infrared
frequencies, whereas at optical to γ-ray energies, the contribution of the jet is debated. The …

The atoll source states of 4U 1608–52

S van Straaten, M van der Klis… - The Astrophysical …, 2003 -
We have studied the atoll source 4U 1608-52 using a large data set obtained with the Rossi
X-Ray Timing Explorer. We find that the timing properties of 4U 1608-52 are almost exactly …

Timing neutron stars

M Van der Klis, H Ögelman… - … : Accretion, Evolution, and …, 2005 - Springer
This lecture deals with aspects of the rapid X-ray variability of low-magnetic neutron stars in
low-mass X-ray binaries. After summarizing some basic considerations related to the …