The cardiovascular system: mathematical modelling, numerical algorithms and clinical applications
Mathematical and numerical modelling of the cardiovascular system is a research topic that
has attracted remarkable interest from the mathematical community because of its intrinsic …
has attracted remarkable interest from the mathematical community because of its intrinsic …
A new constitutive framework for arterial wall mechanics and a comparative study of material models
In this paper we develop a new constitutive law for the description of the (passive)
mechanical response of arterial tissue. The artery is modeled as a thick-walled nonlinearly …
mechanical response of arterial tissue. The artery is modeled as a thick-walled nonlinearly …
[KNIHA][B] The mathematics and mechanics of biological growth
A Goriely - 2017 - books.google.com
This monograph presents a general mathematical theory for biological growth. It provides
both a conceptual and a technical foundation for the understanding and analysis of …
both a conceptual and a technical foundation for the understanding and analysis of …
Hyperelastic modelling of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations
Constitutive relations are fundamental to the solution of problems in continuum mechanics,
and are required in the study of, for example, mechanically dominated clinical interventions …
and are required in the study of, for example, mechanically dominated clinical interventions …
Constitutive modelling of arteries
This review article is concerned with the mathematical modelling of the mechanical
properties of the soft biological tissues that constitute the walls of arteries. Many important …
properties of the soft biological tissues that constitute the walls of arteries. Many important …
Multiphysics and multiscale modelling, data–model fusion and integration of organ physiology in the clinic: ventricular cardiac mechanics
With heart and cardiovascular diseases continually challenging healthcare systems
worldwide, translating basic research on cardiac (patho) physiology into clinical care is …
worldwide, translating basic research on cardiac (patho) physiology into clinical care is …
Continuum biomechanics of soft biological tissues
JD Humphrey - Proceedings of the Royal Society of …, 2003 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Since its coming of age in the mid 1960s, continuum biomechanics has contributed much to
our understanding of human health as well as to disease, injury, and their treatment …
our understanding of human health as well as to disease, injury, and their treatment …
[PDF][PDF] Biomechanics of soft tissue
GA Holzapfel - The handbook of materials behavior models, 2001 - academia.edu
An efficient constitutive formulation approximates all types of soft tissues with a reasonable
accuracy over a large strain range. We request a simple constitutive equation with only a few …
accuracy over a large strain range. We request a simple constitutive equation with only a few …
The mechanical behavior of skin: Structures and models for the finite element analysis
Soft biological tissues are complex materials with a large structural variety, with differences
in behavior, but with some common characteristics. Skin is an archetypal soft tissue which …
in behavior, but with some common characteristics. Skin is an archetypal soft tissue which …
On the benefits and pitfalls of analogies for innovative design: Ideation performance based on analogical distance, commonness, and modality of examples
Drawing inspiration from examples by analogy can be a powerful tool for innovative design
during conceptual ideation but also carries the risk of negative design outcomes (eg, design …
during conceptual ideation but also carries the risk of negative design outcomes (eg, design …