Sustainable human resources management and psychological contracts: Exploring theoretical anchors to solve relational tensions in employment relationships

L Laulié, I Pavez - Group & Organization Management, 2024‏ -
A core aspect of Sustainable Human Resource Management (S-HRM) has been its focus on
develo** high-quality employment relationships. This endeavor, however, has become …

Work Engagement in Agile Teams: Extending Multilevel JD‐R Theory

TL Junker, AB Bakker, D Derks… - Journal of …, 2025‏ - Wiley Online Library
Teams often fail to mobilize their resources effectively, which can undermine team
engagement. Prominent work engagement theories, including Job Demands‐Resources …

Emergence in context: How team-client psychological contract fulfillment is associated with the emergence of team identification or team-member exchange.

L Laulié, M Escaffi-Schwarz - Journal of Applied Psychology, 2024‏ -
Psychological contracts have been theorized to occur at different levels of analysis and with
different exchange parties. In this article, we develop the concept of team-client …

The impact of remote work on job satisfaction, engagement and individual work performance in the banking sector

D Ruželė, A Stankevičienė… - Evidence-based HRM: a …, 2024‏ -
Purpose This study aimed to explore various effects of remote work on employee job
satisfaction, engagement and aspects of individual work performance, namely task …

Studi Eksplorasi Pengalaman Pekerja Generasi Z Terkait Phk Massal

CS Zumhas - JMBI UNSRAT (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis …, 2024‏ -
This study is motivated by the prevalent issue of mass layoffs within the start-up landscape,
where the inherently volatile nature of start-ups often leads to precarious working conditions …

The Remote Workers' Psychological Contract: An Exploratory Case Study

NAP Voigtman - 2024‏ -
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly transformed working conditions, accelerating the
adoption of digital-oriented work environments and mainstreaming remote and hybrid work …

Työnantajamielikuva ja sen merkitys organisaatioon sitoutumiselle julkisen sektorin organisaatiossa

E Horttana, A Rusanen, SA Neuvonen, H Määttä…‏ -
Työnantajamielikuva on saanut lisääntyvissä määrin huomiota, sillä työvoimasta on pulaa ja
tilanteen ennustetaan pahenevan. Samaan aikaan tietotyö lisääntyy ja työntekijät ovat yhä …