The physical mechanisms of induced earthquakes
Anthropogenic operations involving underground fluid extraction or injection can cause
unexpectedly large and even damaging earthquakes, despite operational and regulatory …
unexpectedly large and even damaging earthquakes, despite operational and regulatory …
Assessment of deep geothermal research and development in the Upper Rhine Graben
Deep geothermal energy represents a key element of future renewable energy production
due to its base load capability and the almost inexhaustible resource base. Especially with …
due to its base load capability and the almost inexhaustible resource base. Especially with …
3D geomechanical modeling of the **anshuihe fault zone, SE Tibetan Plateau: Implications for seismic hazard assessment
The **anshuihe fault on the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is one of the most
active intracontinental faults worldwide. At least 16 strong earthquakes (M> 6.5) have …
active intracontinental faults worldwide. At least 16 strong earthquakes (M> 6.5) have …
Late Pleistocene earthquakes imprinted on glaciolacustrine sediments on Gnitz Peninsula (Usedom Island, NE Germany)
Oscillation of an ice sheet can be accompanied by earthquakes due to local reactivation of
pre-existing faults related to the ice loading. A sufficiently large magnitude of an earthquake …
pre-existing faults related to the ice loading. A sufficiently large magnitude of an earthquake …
Techno-economic assessment of geothermal resources in the variscan basement of the northern upper rhine Graben
Deep geothermal energy represents an essential component of the future energy supply
because the resources greatly exceed the demand, and the base load capability can …
because the resources greatly exceed the demand, and the base load capability can …
Rock properties and modelled stress state uncertainties: a study of variability and dependence
MO Ziegler - Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022 - Springer
The safety and sustainability of subsurface applications requires a profound knowledge of
the local stress state which is frequently assessed using 3D geomechanical-numerical …
the local stress state which is frequently assessed using 3D geomechanical-numerical …
[PDF][PDF] Stress orientations from hydraulic fracturing tests in the Ruhr area in comparison to stress orientations from borehole observations and earthquake focal …
To gain information on the regional tectonic state of stress in an area it is important to
separate it from stresses affected from anthropogenic activities such as the construction of …
separate it from stresses affected from anthropogenic activities such as the construction of …
Reactivation of non‐optimally orientated faults due to glacially induced stresses
The deformation due to an ice load is accompanied by displacement and stress changes.
These stress changes are known to have created large‐magnitude earthquakes along pre …
These stress changes are known to have created large‐magnitude earthquakes along pre …
[HTML][HTML] Structural architecture and permeability patterns of crystalline reservoir rocks in the Northern Upper Rhine Graben: Insights from surface analogues of the …
Fracture network is a crucial element to address in any model of the thermo-hydro-
mechanical behaviour of a reservoir rock. This study aims to provide quantified datasets and …
mechanical behaviour of a reservoir rock. This study aims to provide quantified datasets and …
Physical and mechanical rock properties of a heterogeneous volcano; the case of Mount Unzen, Japan
Volcanoes represent one of the most critical geological settings for hazard modelling due to
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …