Blockchain for industry 4.0: A comprehensive review
Due to the proliferation of ICT during the last few decades, there is an exponential increase
in the usage of various smart applications such as smart farming, smart healthcare, supply …
in the usage of various smart applications such as smart farming, smart healthcare, supply …
Blockchain in supply chain management: a review, bibliometric, and network analysis
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that has attracted both practitioners and
academics attention in recent years. Several conceptual and few empirical studies have …
academics attention in recent years. Several conceptual and few empirical studies have …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of the adoption of emergent technologies for risk management in the era of digital manufacturing
Abstract The Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) revolution has led to rapid digital transformation, automation
of manufacturing processes and efficient decision-making in business operations. Despite …
of manufacturing processes and efficient decision-making in business operations. Despite …
Blockchain and sustainable supply chain management in develo** countries
N Kshetri - International journal of information management, 2021 - Elsevier
Theoretical, empirical and anecdotal evidence suggests that there are more violations of
sustainability principles in supply chains in develo** countries than in developed …
sustainability principles in supply chains in develo** countries than in developed …
Blockchain technology: Is it hype or real in the construction industry?
The dawn of the 21st century has seen the advent of many technologies targeting
commercial and financial sectors. These include Big Data, Internet of Things and FinTechs …
commercial and financial sectors. These include Big Data, Internet of Things and FinTechs …
Food supply chain in the era of Industry 4.0: Blockchain technology implementation opportunities and impediments from the perspective of people, process …
The prevention of food loss throughout the supply chain, including manufacturers, has
become a major challenge for a number of organisations. In addition, consumers are also …
become a major challenge for a number of organisations. In addition, consumers are also …
A comparative study: Blockchain technology utilization benefits, challenges and functionalities
Blockchain technology enables users to verify, preserve, and synchronize the contents of a
data sheet (a transaction ledger) replicated by multiple users. Blockchain technology has …
data sheet (a transaction ledger) replicated by multiple users. Blockchain technology has …
Blockchain for smart communities: Applications, challenges and opportunities
Since the success of Bitcoin, there have been increased focus of studying the application of
blockchain in a broad range of applications, such as in solutions facilitating identity privacy …
blockchain in a broad range of applications, such as in solutions facilitating identity privacy …
Blockchain and AI-based solutions to combat coronavirus (COVID-19)-like epidemics: A survey
The beginning of 2020 has seen the emergence of coronavirus outbreak caused by a novel
virus called SARS-CoV-2. The sudden explosion and uncontrolled worldwide spread of …
virus called SARS-CoV-2. The sudden explosion and uncontrolled worldwide spread of …
Blockchain in the courtroom: exploring its evidentiary significance and procedural implications in US judicial processes
This paper explores the evidentiary significance of blockchain records and the procedural
implications of integrating this technology into the US judicial system, as several states have …
implications of integrating this technology into the US judicial system, as several states have …