[CARTE][B] Sains Kopi Indonesia

WB Sunarharum, K Fibrianto, SS Yuwono, M Nur - 2019 - books.google.com
Buku ini merupakan buku referensi yang berisikan pembahasan ilmu yang terkait dengan
komoditas kopi serta studi literatur tentang kopi secara internasional dan perkembangan …

Identifying climate change adaptation efforts in the batutegi forest management unit, Indonesia

C Wulandari - Forest and Society, 2021 - journal.unhas.ac.id
The Batutegi Forest Management Unit (FMU) in Lampung Province, Indonesia is beginning
to observe the consequences of climate change. Meanwhile, communities in Batutegi are …

[PDF][PDF] Fostering the sustainability of community forestry program: case study in Lampung-Sumatra

C Wulandari, S Bakri, M Riniarti, S Supriadi - Forestry Ideas, 2021 - researchgate.net
Abstract Community Forestry Program in Indonesia (called HKm: Hutan Kemasyarakatan) as
the scheme for recovering forest degradation from encroachment has been operating for 13 …

Influencia de las variaciones climáticas en la producción de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.)

JJ Núñez Rodríguez, JC Carvajal Rodríguez… - 2021 - riul.unanleon.edu.ni
La producción de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) en los países tropicales de América
del Sur ha experimentado un rápido aumento por la alta calidad y aportes nutricionales del …

Are the Physical and Social Capitals Still Productive Resources for Coffee Agroforestry Development?: The Evidence of Endogenous Growth Role in Leveraging the …

S Bakri, AP Apriliani, H Kaskoyo… - Jurnal Manajemen …, 2024 - journal.ipb.ac.id
Increasing income (INC) is a key variable for the encroacher's self-empowerment in order to
able to leave protected forest areas voluntarily when their concessionary period will be due …

Tamaño y peso de granos de café en relación con rangos altitudinales en zonas cafetaleras de Toledo, Norte de Santander (Colombia)

JJN Rodríguez, JCC Rodríguez… - Ciencia y Tecnología …, 2021 - revistacta.agrosavia.co
El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer la relación del tamaño y el peso de los
granos de café arábica (Coffea arabica L.) con respecto a cinco gradientes altitudinales …

Soil biodiversity: A key factor in the resilience of coffee agroforestry ecosystems to climate change

A Arham, D Salman, K Kaimuddin… - AIP Conference …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Climate change in the form of changes in rainfall intensity and patterns, rising air
temperatures, wind speeds and extreme events have led to a decrease in coffee yields. The …

Are the Physical and Social Capitals Still Critical Factors in Enhancing the Sluggish Productivity of Coffee Agroforestry?: The Evidence of Endogenous Growth Role at …

S Bakri, AP Apriliani, H Kaskoyo… - Journal of Tropical …, 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
Increasing income is the main interest of farmers in establishing highly productive and
sustainable coffee agroforestry. Since the program in Batutegi Lampung Province has been …

Kajian Hukum Kebijakan Energi Terbarukan Indonesia dan Realisasinya Menuju Tahun 2025

ET Purba, C Wulandari, S Bakri - Justicia Sains: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2024 - jurnal.saburai.id
Indonesia is committed to switching to renewable energy in the face of the global energy
crisis and climate change. This paper examines the evolution of renewable energy policies …

[HTML][HTML] Size and weight of coffee beans regarding altitudinal ranges in coffee-growing areas in Toledo, Norte de Santander (Colombia)

JJ Núñez Rodríguez, JC Carvajal Rodríguez… - Ciencia y Tecnología …, 2021 - scielo.org.co
The research objective is to establish the relationship between the size and weight of
Arabica coffee beans and five altitudinal gradients, from 1,000 to 1,800 MAMSL, in the …