[PDF][PDF] Analysing student participation in Foreign Language MOOCs: a case study
This article discusses the theoretical aspects and practical applications of foreign language
massive open online courses (henceforth, LMOOCs). Firstly, LMOOCs are presented as a …
massive open online courses (henceforth, LMOOCs). Firstly, LMOOCs are presented as a …
[PDF][PDF] Mobile technology for foreign language teaching: building bridges between non-formal and formal scenarios J. UCS Special Issue
In this introductory article, the context, history and definitions around Mobile Assisted
Language Learning (henceforth, MALL) are discussed. Firstly, some definitions, some …
Language Learning (henceforth, MALL) are discussed. Firstly, some definitions, some …
Technology-enhanced language learning for specialized domains
of the latest developments in technology-enhanced learning and the processing of
languages for specific purposes. It combines theoretical and applied research from an …
languages for specific purposes. It combines theoretical and applied research from an …
Hacia un nuevo paradigma de aprendizaje de segundas lenguas móvil, abierto y social
E Bárcena - Propósitos y representaciones, 2020 - scielo.org.pe
Este artículo explora el diseño y desarrollo de un innovador paradigma didáctico para
segundas lenguas a distancia, social y abierto (con una triple dimensión lingüística …
segundas lenguas a distancia, social y abierto (con una triple dimensión lingüística …
Mobile and massive language learning
As Evans (2013) notes,“The world is mobile!” and data he presents show that over 1,250
million smartphones and tablets were sold in 2013 (compared with just over 250 million …
million smartphones and tablets were sold in 2013 (compared with just over 250 million …
Towards seamless vocabulary learning: How we can entwine in-class and outside-of-class learning
This paper proposes Seamless Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Support System
(SMALL system), which aims to entwine in-class learning with out-of-class learning …
(SMALL system), which aims to entwine in-class learning with out-of-class learning …
Toward mobile assisted language MOOCs
MOOCs are presented in this article as a fundamental change in the access to education in
the world. While not necessarily a completely new invention, the technological context was …
the world. While not necessarily a completely new invention, the technological context was …
MOOCs in the language classroom: Using MOOCs as complementary materials to support self-regulated language learning
BC Gafaro - Recent Tools for Computer-and Mobile-Assisted …, 2020 - igi-global.com
In this chapter, the author discusses the role of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in
the field of foreign language education. It examines the relationship between MOOCs and …
the field of foreign language education. It examines the relationship between MOOCs and …
[HTML][HTML] Repurposing MOOCs for self-regulated language learning in an English for academic purposes course
BC Gafaro - New case studies of openness in and beyond the …, 2019 - books.google.com
T his case study investigated the self-regulated learning strategies that university students
employ while engaging with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as part of an English …
employ while engaging with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as part of an English …
Modelling User Linguistic Communicative Competences for Individual and Collaborative Learning
In this article, an innovative framework for use in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language
Learning (henceforth, ICALL) systems (as developed by the ATLAS research group) is …
Learning (henceforth, ICALL) systems (as developed by the ATLAS research group) is …