[PDF][PDF] Analysing student participation in Foreign Language MOOCs: a case study

E Bárcena, T Read, E Martín-Monje… - … 2014: European MOOCs …, 2014 - academia.edu
This article discusses the theoretical aspects and practical applications of foreign language
massive open online courses (henceforth, LMOOCs). Firstly, LMOOCs are presented as a …

[PDF][PDF] Mobile technology for foreign language teaching: building bridges between non-formal and formal scenarios J. UCS Special Issue

J Traxler, E Barcena, JG Laborda - Journal of Universal Computer …, 2015 - academia.edu
In this introductory article, the context, history and definitions around Mobile Assisted
Language Learning (henceforth, MALL) are discussed. Firstly, some definitions, some …

Technology-enhanced language learning for specialized domains

E Martín-Monje, I Elorza… - Practical Applications and …, 2016 - api.taylorfrancis.com
of the latest developments in technology-enhanced learning and the processing of
languages for specific purposes. It combines theoretical and applied research from an …

Hacia un nuevo paradigma de aprendizaje de segundas lenguas móvil, abierto y social

E Bárcena - Propósitos y representaciones, 2020 - scielo.org.pe
Este artículo explora el diseño y desarrollo de un innovador paradigma didáctico para
segundas lenguas a distancia, social y abierto (con una triple dimensión lingüística …

Mobile and massive language learning

T Read, E Bárcena… - … Language Learning for …, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
As Evans (2013) notes,“The world is mobile!” and data he presents show that over 1,250
million smartphones and tablets were sold in 2013 (compared with just over 250 million …

Towards seamless vocabulary learning: How we can entwine in-class and outside-of-class learning

N Uosaki, H Ogata, T Sugimoto… - International Journal of …, 2012 - inderscienceonline.com
This paper proposes Seamless Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Support System
(SMALL system), which aims to entwine in-class learning with out-of-class learning …

Toward mobile assisted language MOOCs

T Read, E Bárcena - Furthering higher education possibilities …, 2015 - igi-global.com
MOOCs are presented in this article as a fundamental change in the access to education in
the world. While not necessarily a completely new invention, the technological context was …

MOOCs in the language classroom: Using MOOCs as complementary materials to support self-regulated language learning

BC Gafaro - Recent Tools for Computer-and Mobile-Assisted …, 2020 - igi-global.com
In this chapter, the author discusses the role of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in
the field of foreign language education. It examines the relationship between MOOCs and …

[HTML][HTML] Repurposing MOOCs for self-regulated language learning in an English for academic purposes course

BC Gafaro - New case studies of openness in and beyond the …, 2019 - books.google.com
T his case study investigated the self-regulated learning strategies that university students
employ while engaging with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as part of an English …

Modelling User Linguistic Communicative Competences for Individual and Collaborative Learning

T Read, E Bárcena - From Animals to Robots and Back: Reflections on …, 2014 - Springer
In this article, an innovative framework for use in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language
Learning (henceforth, ICALL) systems (as developed by the ATLAS research group) is …