Vestibular migraine: the most frequent entity of episodic vertigo

M Dieterich, M Obermann, N Celebisoy - Journal of neurology, 2016 - Springer
Vestibular migraine (VM) is the most common cause of episodic vertigo in adults as well as
in children. The diagnostic criteria of the consensus document of the International Bárány …

Functional dizziness: from phobic postural vertigo and chronic subjective dizziness to persistent postural-perceptual dizziness

M Dieterich, JP Staab - Current opinion in neurology, 2017 -
Correct and early diagnosis of functional dizziness, as primary cause or secondary disorder
after a structural vestibular syndrome, is very important to prevent further chronification and …

Vestibular migraine: Diagnostic criteria (Update) Consensus document of the Bárány Society and the International Headache Society

T Lempert, J Olesen, J Furman… - Journal of …, 2022 -
This paper presents diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine, jointly formulated by the
Committee for Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the Bárány Society and the Migraine …

Diagnostic criteria for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD): Consensus document of the committee for the Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the …

JP Staab, A Eckhardt-Henn, A Horii… - Journal of …, 2017 -
This paper presents diagnostic criteria for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD) to
be included in the International Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD). The term …

Vestibular migraine: diagnostic criteria

T Lempert, J Olesen, J Furman… - Journal of …, 2012 -
This paper presents diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine, jointly formulated by the
Committee for Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the Bárány Society and the Migraine …

Vestibular migraine: an update on current understanding and future directions

TC Huang, SJ Wang, A Kheradmand - Cephalalgia, 2020 -
Background Vestibular migraine is among the most common causes of recurrent vertigo in
the general population. Despite its prevalence and high impact on healthcare cost and …

Vestibular migraine treatment: a comprehensive practical review

D Smyth, Z Britton, L Murdin, Q Arshad, D Kaski - Brain, 2022 -
Vestibular migraine is an underdiagnosed but increasingly recognized neurological
condition that causes episodic vertigo associated with other features of migraine. It is now …

The spectrum of vestibular migraine: clinical features, triggers, and examination findings

SC Beh, S Masrour, SV Smith… - Headache: The Journal …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Objective To assess the ictal symptoms, interictal symptoms, psychiatric comorbidities, and
interictal neuro‐otologic examination findings in vestibular migraine (VM). Methods …

Vestibular migraine and recurrent vertigo of childhood: diagnostic criteria consensus document of the classification committee of vestibular disorders of the bárány …

R Van De Berg, J Widdershoven… - Journal of …, 2021 -
This paper describes the diagnostic criteria for “Vestibular Migraine of Childhood”,“probable
Vestibular Migraine of Childhood” and “Recurrent Vertigo of Childhood” as put forth by the …

Caloric stimulation and video-head impulse testing in Ménière's disease and vestibular migraine

A Blödow, M Heinze, MB Bloching… - Acta oto …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Conclusion: Both the bithermal caloric test and the video-head impulse test (vHIT) were
more often abnormal in Ménière's disease (MD) than in vestibular migraine (VM). Horizontal …