Chemical geodynamics of mafic magmatism above subduction zones

YF Zheng, Z Xu, L Chen, LQ Dai, ZF Zhao - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2020 - Elsevier
The geochemical signatures of subducting crust have been identified in various types of
mafic igneous rocks at convergent plate boundaries, where island arc basalts (IAB) and …

An introductory review of the thermal structure of subduction zones: III—Comparison between models and observations

PE van Keken, CR Wilson - Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 2023 - Springer
The thermal structure of subduction zones is fundamental to our understanding of the
physical and chemical processes that occur at active convergent plate margins. These …

Fluid escape from subduction zones controlled by channel-forming reactive porosity

O Plümper, T John, YY Podladchikov, JC Vrijmoed… - Nature …, 2017 -
Water within the oceanic lithosphere is returned to Earth's surface at subduction zones.
Observations of metamorphosed veins preserved in exhumed slabs suggest that fluid can …

Porphyry copper deposit formation in arcs: What are the odds?

JP Richards - Geosphere, 2022 -
Arc magmas globally are H2O-Cl-S–rich and moderately oxidized (ΔFMQ=+ 1 to+ 2) relative
to most other mantle-derived magmas (ΔFMQ≤ 0). Their relatively high oxidation state limits …

Boron isotopes as a tracer of subduction zone processes

JCM De Hoog, IP Savov - Boron isotopes: The fifth element, 2018 - Springer
This chapter reviews recycling of boron (B) and its isotopes in subduction zones. It discusses
the profound changes in B concentrations and B isotope ratios of various materials involved …

Formation and evolution of Archean continental crust: A thermodynamic–geochemical perspective of granitoids from the Tarim Craton, NW China

R Ge, SA Wilde, W Zhu, T Zhou, Y Si - Earth-Science Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
When and how continental crust formed and evolved to its current state is a fundamental
question regarding crust–mantle evolution and geodynamic regimes on the early Earth …

Deep hydrous mantle reservoir provides evidence for crustal recycling before 3.3 billion years ago

AV Sobolev, EV Asafov, AA Gurenko, NT Arndt… - Nature, 2019 -
Water strongly influences the physical properties of the mantle and enhances its ability to
melt or convect. Its presence can also be used to trace recycling of surface reservoirs down …

Light stable isotopic compositions of enriched mantle sources: resolving the dehydration paradox

JE Dixon, IN Bindeman, RH Kingsley… - Geochemistry …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Volatile and stable isotope data provide tests of mantle processes that give rise to mantle
heterogeneity. New data on enriched mid‐oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) show a diversity of …

Mafic high‐pressure rocks are preferentially exhumed from warm subduction settings

PE van Keken, I Wada, GA Abers… - Geochemistry …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The oceanic crust that enters a subduction zone is generally recycled to great depth. In rare
and punctuated episodes, however, blueschists and eclogites derived from subducted …

Controls on the stability and composition of amphibole in the Earth's mantle

BE Mandler, TL Grove - Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2016 - Springer
Presented here is a suite of new experiments aimed at quantifying the effects of pressure,
temperature, bulk composition, and H 2 O content on the stability and composition of …