Equity-oriented conceptual framework for K-12 STEM literacy
We introduce a conceptual framework of K-12 STEM literacy that rightfully and intentionally
positions each and every student, particularly minoritized groups, as belonging in STEM. In …
positions each and every student, particularly minoritized groups, as belonging in STEM. In …
Gender differences in high school students' interest in STEM careers: A multi-group comparison based on structural equation model
Background Females are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) fields all over the world. To encourage more girls to choose STEM …
Mathematics (STEM) fields all over the world. To encourage more girls to choose STEM …
Effectiveness of project based learning integrated STEM in physics education (STEM-PJBL): Systematic literature review (SLR)
This study aims to review 36 articles from reputable international journals such as indexed
by Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and SINTA, which explains the Effectiveness of Project …
by Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and SINTA, which explains the Effectiveness of Project …
[PDF][PDF] Challenge and obstacles of STEM education in Malaysia
STEM education is a very important element of education for the development and progress
of a develo** country like Malaysia. For this reason, the government has introduced the …
of a develo** country like Malaysia. For this reason, the government has introduced the …
Influence of career awareness on STEM career interests: examining the roles of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and gender
H Jiang, L Zhang, W Zhang - International Journal of STEM Education, 2024 - Springer
Background The studies of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
career interests have progressed substantially over the recent years. However, the influence …
career interests have progressed substantially over the recent years. However, the influence …
Modeling the impact of intrinsic coding interest on STEM career interest: Evidence from senior high school students in two large Chinese cities
The problem motivating this study is the urgent need to explore the antecedents of STEM
career interest and the growing importance of coding in STEM careers, coupled with the …
career interest and the growing importance of coding in STEM careers, coupled with the …
A meta-analysis to gauge the effectiveness of STEM informal project-based learning: investigating the potential moderator variables
In recent decades, informal project-based learning (PjBL) for science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has gained immense significance. Though …
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has gained immense significance. Though …
Exploring young students' attitude towards coding and its relationship with STEM career interest
This paper presents findings of an investigation on students' attitudes towards coding and its
relationship with interest in STEM-related careers. A concurrent mixed-method research …
relationship with interest in STEM-related careers. A concurrent mixed-method research …
Effectiveness of Middle School STEM Career Education for STEM Knowledge, Efficacy, and Interest.
The purpose of this study was to test STEM career interventions through a theoretically
integrated STEM Career Education (SCE) Module. The effectiveness of SC education was …
integrated STEM Career Education (SCE) Module. The effectiveness of SC education was …
Learners' perspectives on ARCH+ STEM: Integration of archaeology and Indigenous knowledges with western knowledges of STEM
It is often the case that the integration of archaeology and Indigenous knowledges with
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts, practices, and …
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts, practices, and …