Measuring epistemologies in science learning and teaching: A systematic review of the literature
Promoting understanding of the epistemologies of science has long been the primary
objective in science education, and can be viewed as a form of science learning outcome …
objective in science education, and can be viewed as a form of science learning outcome …
Computational thinking education in the Asian Pacific region
The importance of computational thinking (CT) education in the twenty-first century cannot
be understated, as digital computing technologies have become an essential component of …
be understated, as digital computing technologies have become an essential component of …
Unpacking the paradox of Chinese science learners: Insights from research into Asian Chinese school students' attitudes towards learning science, science learning …
Chinese students' excellent science performance in large-scale international comparisons
contradicts the stereotype of the Chinese non-productive classroom learning environment …
contradicts the stereotype of the Chinese non-productive classroom learning environment …
Exploring the differences in Taiwanese university students' online learning task value, goal orientation, and self-efficacy before and after the COVID-19 outbreak
To date, researchers have not yet incorporated some prominent motivation theories to
scrutinize and dissect learners' motivations of online learning, especially in this period of …
scrutinize and dissect learners' motivations of online learning, especially in this period of …
Relations of epistemic beliefs with motivation, achievement, and aspirations in science: Generalizability across 72 societies.
The proliferation of information and divergent viewpoints in the 21st century requires an
educated citizenry with the ability to critically evaluate information and make informed …
educated citizenry with the ability to critically evaluate information and make informed …
Exploring the Effects on Fifth Graders' Concept Achievement and Scientific Epistemological Beliefs: Applying the Prediction-Observation-Explanation Inquiry-Based …
The inquiry-based learning model can facilitate students' understanding of scientific
concepts. Scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs) are related to students' beliefs about the …
concepts. Scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs) are related to students' beliefs about the …
Factors that explain academic dishonesty among university students in Thailand
Academic dishonesty is a problem that continues to plague universities. Few studies have
examined how mind-set and individualism contribute to academic dishonesty. Using …
examined how mind-set and individualism contribute to academic dishonesty. Using …
[ספר][B] Student Thinking and Learning in Science: Perspectives on the nature and development of learners' ideas
KS Taber - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This readable and informative survey of key ideas about students' thinking in science builds
a bridge between theory and practice by offering clear accounts from research, and showing …
a bridge between theory and practice by offering clear accounts from research, and showing …
In the past, students' science learning self-efficacy (SLSE) was usually measured by
questionnaires that consisted of only a single scale, which might be insufficient to fully …
questionnaires that consisted of only a single scale, which might be insufficient to fully …
Students' motivational beliefs in science learning, school motivational contexts, and science achievement in Taiwan
CL Wang, PY Liou - International Journal of Science Education, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Taiwanese students are featured as having high academic achievement but low
motivational beliefs according to the serial results of the Trends in Mathematics and Science …
motivational beliefs according to the serial results of the Trends in Mathematics and Science …