[HTML][HTML] Ultrasonic cavitation: An effective cleaner and greener intensification technology in the extraction and surface modification of nanocellulose
With rising consumer demand for natural products, a greener and cleaner technology, ie,
ultrasound-assisted extraction, has received immense attention given its effective and rapid …
ultrasound-assisted extraction, has received immense attention given its effective and rapid …
Cellulose nanocrystals: Pretreatments, preparation strategies, and surface functionalization
AK Rana, E Frollini, VK Thakur - International Journal of Biological …, 2021 - Elsevier
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) have attracted great interest from researchers from academic
and industrial areas because of their interesting structural features and unique …
and industrial areas because of their interesting structural features and unique …
[HTML][HTML] Emerging technologies for the production of nanocellulose from lignocellulosic biomass
Nanocellulose is a unique and promising natural nanomaterial and has gained significant
attention due to its applications in several important areas. Thus, researchers are …
attention due to its applications in several important areas. Thus, researchers are …
Surface modifications of nanocellulose: From synthesis to high-performance nanocomposites
Nanocellulose is at the cutting edge of current research owing to its highly useful features,
such as abundance and renewability of its source, biocompatibility, nanoscale dimension …
such as abundance and renewability of its source, biocompatibility, nanoscale dimension …
Production routes to tailor the performance of cellulose nanocrystals
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are bio-based, high aspect ratio nanoparticles that are
industrially produced in tonne-per-day quantities across the globe. CNCs can be used to …
industrially produced in tonne-per-day quantities across the globe. CNCs can be used to …
Challenges and perspectives of green-like lignocellulose pretreatments selectable for low-cost biofuels and high-value bioproduction
Lignocellulose represents the most abundant carbon-capturing substance that is convertible
for biofuels and bioproduction. Although biomass pretreatments have been broadly applied …
for biofuels and bioproduction. Although biomass pretreatments have been broadly applied …
Nanocellulose: Recent trends and applications in the food industry
In the past few years, nanocellulose (NC) has gained wide attention due to its renewability,
biocompatibility, bioavailability, and different remarkable properties. Cellulose …
biocompatibility, bioavailability, and different remarkable properties. Cellulose …
Nanocellulose: recent fundamental advances and emerging biological and biomimicking applications
In the effort toward sustainable advanced functional materials, nanocelluloses have
attracted extensive recent attention. Nanocelluloses range from rod‐like highly crystalline …
attracted extensive recent attention. Nanocelluloses range from rod‐like highly crystalline …
Deconstruction and reassembly of renewable polymers and biocolloids into next generation structured materials
This review considers the most recent developments in supramolecular and supraparticle
structures obtained from natural, renewable biopolymers as well as their disassembly and …
structures obtained from natural, renewable biopolymers as well as their disassembly and …
Emerging nanocellulose technologies: recent developments
A Isogai - Advanced Materials, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Nanocelluloses have unique morphologies, characteristics, and surface nanostructures, and
are prepared from abundant and renewable plant biomass resources. Therefore, expansion …
are prepared from abundant and renewable plant biomass resources. Therefore, expansion …