Questions and controversies in the study of time-varying functional connectivity in resting fMRI
The brain is a complex, multiscale dynamical system composed of many interacting regions.
Knowledge of the spatiotemporal organization of these interactions is critical for establishing …
Knowledge of the spatiotemporal organization of these interactions is critical for establishing …
Resting-state functional MRI: everything that nonexperts have always wanted to know
Resting-state fMRI was first described by Biswal et al in 1995 and has since then been
widely used in both healthy subjects and patients with various neurologic, neurosurgical …
widely used in both healthy subjects and patients with various neurologic, neurosurgical …
[HTML][HTML] NeuroMark: An automated and adaptive ICA based pipeline to identify reproducible fMRI markers of brain disorders
Machine learning in resting-state fMRI analysis
Abstract Machine learning techniques have gained prominence for the analysis of resting-
state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) data. Here, we present an overview …
state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) data. Here, we present an overview …
Resting brain dynamics at different timescales capture distinct aspects of human behavior
Linking human behavior to resting-state brain function is a central question in systems
neuroscience. In particular, the functional timescales at which different types of behavioral …
neuroscience. In particular, the functional timescales at which different types of behavioral …
Graph theory approaches to functional network organization in brain disorders: A critique for a brave new small-world
Over the past two decades, resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) methods have
provided new insights into the network organization of the human brain. Studies of brain …
provided new insights into the network organization of the human brain. Studies of brain …
Deep residual learning for neuroimaging: an application to predict progression to Alzheimer's disease
Background The unparalleled performance of deep learning approaches in generic image
processing has motivated its extension to neuroimaging data. These approaches learn …
processing has motivated its extension to neuroimaging data. These approaches learn …
Tools of the trade: estimating time-varying connectivity patterns from fMRI data
Given the dynamic nature of the brain, there has always been a motivation to move beyond
'static'functional connectivity, which characterizes functional interactions over an extended …
'static'functional connectivity, which characterizes functional interactions over an extended …
Resting state dynamic functional connectivity in neurodegenerative conditions: a review of magnetic resonance imaging findings
In the last few decades, brain functional connectivity (FC) has been extensively assessed
using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (RS-fMRI), which is able to …
using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (RS-fMRI), which is able to …
Resting-state functional MRI studies on infant brains: a decade of gap-filling efforts
Resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) is one of the most prevalent brain functional imaging
modalities. Previous rs-fMRI studies have mainly focused on adults and elderly subjects …
modalities. Previous rs-fMRI studies have mainly focused on adults and elderly subjects …