Assembling nano–microarchitecture for electromagnetic absorbers and smart devices

XX Wang, WQ Cao, MS Cao, J Yuan - Advanced materials, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Smart devices, nowadays, are inspiring the infinite vitality and possibilities of intelligent life,
such as self‐power electromagnetic (EM) nanogenerator and microsensor, smart window …

Aluminum nitride photonic integrated circuits: from piezo-optomechanics to nonlinear optics

X Liu, AW Bruch, HX Tang - Advances in Optics and Photonics, 2023 -
The commercial success of radio-frequency acoustic filters in wireless communication
systems has launched aluminum nitride (AlN) as one of the most widely used …

[HTML][HTML] Quantum networks based on color centers in diamond

M Ruf, NH Wan, H Choi, D Englund… - Journal of Applied …, 2021 -
With the ability to transfer and process quantum information, large-scale quantum networks
will enable a suite of fundamentally new applications, from quantum communications to …

Superconducting qubit to optical photon transduction

M Mirhosseini, A Sipahigil, M Kalaee, O Painter - Nature, 2020 -
Conversion of electrical and optical signals lies at the foundation of the global internet. Such
converters are used to extend the reach of long-haul fibre-optic communication systems and …

Continuous wideband microwave-to-optical converter based on room-temperature Rydberg atoms

S Borówka, U Pylypenko, M Mazelanik, M Parniak - Nature Photonics, 2024 -
The coupling of microwave and optical systems presents an immense challenge due to the
natural incompatibility of energies, but potential applications range from optical …

Non-Gaussian quantum states and where to find them

M Walschaers - PRX quantum, 2021 - APS
Gaussian states have played an important role in the physics of continuous-variable
quantum systems. They are appealing for the experimental ease with which they can be …

Microwave-optical quantum frequency conversion

X Han, W Fu, CL Zou, L Jiang, HX Tang - Optica, 2021 -
Photons at microwave and optical frequencies are principal carriers for quantum information.
While microwave photons can be effectively controlled at the local circuit level, optical …

Entanglement-based quantum information technology: a tutorial

Z Zhang, C You, OS Magaña-Loaiza… - Advances in Optics …, 2024 -
Entanglement is a quintessential quantum mechanical phenomenon with no classical
equivalent. First discussed by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen and formally introduced by …

Coherent coupling between phonons, magnons, and photons

Z Shen, GT Xu, M Zhang, YL Zhang, Y Wang… - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
Mechanical degrees of freedom, which have often been overlooked in various quantum
systems, have been studied for applications ranging from quantum information processing to …

Perspectives on quantum transduction

N Lauk, N Sinclair, S Barzanjeh… - Quantum Science …, 2020 -
Quantum transduction, the process of converting quantum signals from one form of energy to
another, is an important area of quantum science and technology. The present perspective …