[PDF][PDF] Analysis and assessment of existing software quality models to predict the reliability of component-based software

S Yadav, B Kishan - International journal of emerging trends in …, 2020 - academia.edu
Software engineering is an approach pre-owned by the researchers and innovators to
reduce the ratio of crisis in software. Therefore the designer/innovator can readily design a …

Quantitative measurement of scientific software quality: definition of a novel quality model

B Koteska, A Mishev, L Pejov - International Journal of Software …, 2018 - World Scientific
This paper presents a novel quality model, which provides a quantitative assessment of the
attributes evaluated at each stage of development of scientific applications. This model is …

User Centric Software Quality Model For Sustainability

NZH Zakaria, AR Hamdan, J Yahaya, A Deraman - 2016 - dac.umt.edu.my
Software quality is a tacit and multifaceted concept of desired combination of software
attributes. Quality is commonly considered as product property, thus the product view of …

Comparative analysis of software quality model in the selection of marketplace E-commerce

R Wahdiniwaty, EB Setiawan… - … Systems and Innovation …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
E-commerce system is very helpful for people in buying and selling transactions. Various
existing marketplaces have their advantages and disadvantages. Software quality models …

Study of Qualimetry essentials applied to embedded software development

Y Argotti - 2021 - theses.hal.science
Today, when a company designs, develops and manufactures goods or services, it must not
only target a high level of quality for the products to satisfy customers, but also comply with …

Predicting consumer satisfaction towards WhatsApp based on quality factors

P Yadav, N Singh - IUP Journal of Management Research, 2020 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this study is to identify the quality factors of mobile applications and predict
their influence on the consumer satisfaction of WhatsApp users. This research extends the …

[PDF][PDF] Component-based software system using computational intelligence technique for reliability prediction

S Yadav, B Kishan - International Journal, 2020 - academia.edu
Software developers and companies are working to create reliable software for their users.
This has resulted in the need for enhancing predictive software quality models for risk-less …

Analysis of satisfaction factor for development recommendation tourism web system

AS Girsang, F Ruman - ASER, 2016 - ceeol.com
Indoensia travel as one tourism web which is managed Indonesia government should give a
satisfaction for users to provide useful information and travel referenced in Indonesia …

[PDF][PDF] A Model for Measuring Maintainability Based on Source Code Characteristics

D Leitner - University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien …, 2017 - epub.technikum-wien.at
As software systems often cover today's companies' business-critical parts, it is a high
priority to keep the number of defects close to zero. At the same time, companies must …

ISO 25000 에 기초한 SW Life Cycle 별 응용 SW 품질 상관관계 및 속성 중요도 분석

김승희, 김우제 - 정보과학회논문지: 소프트웨어 및 응용, 2014 - dbpia.co.kr
요 약 글로벌 SW 품질 경쟁력 확보의 필요성에도 불구하고 품질 원가를 이유로 품질 관리가
소홀히다루어지고 있다. 따라서 SW 제품의 품질을 계량화하여 제한된 자원의 범위 내에서 보다 …