Characterization of urban air quality using GIS as a management system

E Puliafito, M Guevara, C Puliafito - Environmental pollution, 2003 - Elsevier
Kee** the air quality acceptable has become an important task for decision makers as
well as for non-governmental organizations. Particulate and gaseous emissions of pollutant …

Green areas and microscale thermal comfort in arid environments: A case study in Mendoza, Argentina

SE Puliafito, FR Bochaca, DG Allende… - 2013 -
A series of mobile and stationary meteorological measurements were performed in the city
of Mendoza, Argentina to study the local influence of green areas on the urban canopy layer …

First implementation of the WRF-CHIMERE-EDGAR modeling system over Argentina

MFG Ferreyra, G Curci, M Lanfri - IEEE Journal of Selected …, 2016 -
Air quality monitoring and research have been gaining importance in Argentina and Latin
America, mainly in megacities where pollution reaches critical levels as in other places of …

[HTML][HTML] Inventory of primary emissions of selected persistent organic pollutants to the atmosphere in the area of Great Mendoza

D Allende, MF Ruggeri, B Lana, K Garro… - Emerging …, 2016 - Elsevier
The setting up of a country or region-based inventory is considered a crucial step toward the
elimination of worldwide persistent organic pollutants (POPs) contamination. Moreover, the …

Evidence of lower-atmospheric ozone “sloshing” in an urbanized valley

AW Ellis, ML Hildebrandt, HJ S. Fernando - Physical Geography, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
The objective of the research that is presented here was to reveal evidence of the complete
diurnal process by which high concentrations of lower-atmospheric ozone are typically …

Spatio-temporal analysis of bicyclists' PM2. 5 exposure levels in a medium sized urban agglomeration

MF Tames, SE Puliafito, J Urquiza, AF Scagliotti… - Environmental …, 2024 - Springer
Many cities have promoted decarbonized transportation modes to mitigate climate change,
reduce air pollution and promote healthy behaviors. However, cyclists may be particularly …

New approaches for urban and regional air pollution modelling and management

SE Puliafito, D Allende, R Fernández… - Advanced Air …, 2011 -
Air pollution is a complex problem that plays a key role in human well-being, environment
and climate change. Since cities are, by nature, concentrations of humans, materials and …

Modeling mobile source emissions in presence of stationary sources

P Mukherjee, S Viswanathan, LC Choon - Journal of hazardous materials, 2000 - Elsevier
The impact of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions from motor vehicles to the air quality in city-
state Singapore is analyzed using AIRVIRO, a regional scale dispersion model developed …

Modelado regional de la calidad de aire utilizando el Modelo WRF/Chem: Implementación de datos globales y locales para Mendoza

R Fernández, DG Allende, F Castro… - … Renovables y Medio …, 2010 -
El presente trabajo muestra los primeros resultados obtenidos en el modelado de la calidad
de aire regional en Mendoza utilizando el modelo WRF/Chem, el cual posee la gran ventaja …

[CARTE][B] Caracterización y comportamiento del ozono superficial en la provincia de Huelva

JA Adame Carnero - 2005 -
Prohibida la reproducción parcial o total de esta obra, ni su incorporación a un sistema
informático, ni su transmisión en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio, sea éste …