Physical properties of hydrate‐bearing sediments
Methane gas hydrates, crystalline inclusion compounds formed from methane and water,
are found in marine continental margin and permafrost sediments worldwide. This article …
are found in marine continental margin and permafrost sediments worldwide. This article …
The GERG-2008 wide-range equation of state for natural gases and other mixtures: An expansion of GERG-2004
O Kunz, W Wagner - Journal of chemical & engineering data, 2012 - ACS Publications
A new equation of state for the thermodynamic properties of natural gases, similar gases,
and other mixtures, the GERG-2008 equation of state, is presented in this work. This …
and other mixtures, the GERG-2008 equation of state, is presented in this work. This …
Standardized critical point-based numerical solution of statistical association fluid theory parameters: the perturbed chain-statistical association fluid theory equation of …
I Polishuk - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014 - ACS Publications
The current study has aimed at develo** an approach replacing the lists of the compound-
specific molecular parameters attached to perturbed chain-statistical association fluid theory …
specific molecular parameters attached to perturbed chain-statistical association fluid theory …
Assessing the effect of impurities on the thermophysical properties of methane-based energy systems using polar soft-SAFT
Polar soft-SAFT has been used in this work as a modeling tool to systematically assess the
effect of impurities on the thermodynamic behavior of natural gas systems based on …
effect of impurities on the thermodynamic behavior of natural gas systems based on …
Numerical procedures for natural gas accurate thermodynamic properties calculation
M Farzaneh-Gord, HR Rahbari - Journal of engineering thermophysics, 2012 - Springer
Natural gas (NG) is a mixture of 21 elements and widely used in the industries and
domestics. Knowledge of its thermodynamic properties is essential for designing appropriate …
domestics. Knowledge of its thermodynamic properties is essential for designing appropriate …
Locating the inflection point of frequency-dependent velocity dispersion by acoustic relaxation to identify gas mixtures
X Zhang, S Wang, M Zhu - Measurement Science and …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Measuring adiabatic sound speed is an effective method to characterize gases with different
molecular weights because sound speed mainly depends on molecular weight at a given …
molecular weights because sound speed mainly depends on molecular weight at a given …
Photoacoustic detection of methane in large concentrations with a Helmholtz sensor: simulation and experimentation
V Zeninari, R Vallon, C Risser, B Parvitte - International Journal of …, 2016 - Springer
We report on the use of a photoacoustic Helmholtz sensor for the detection of large
concentrations of methane. In this case, methane is in concentration where the …
concentrations of methane. In this case, methane is in concentration where the …
Speed of sound for three binary (CH4+ H2) mixtures from p=(0.5 up to 20) MPa at T=(273.16 to 375) K
Speed of sound is one of the thermodynamic properties that can be measured with least
uncertainty and is of great interest in develo** equations of state. Moreover, accurate …
uncertainty and is of great interest in develo** equations of state. Moreover, accurate …
Vapor pressure and gaseous speed of sound measurements for isobutane (R600a)
The vapor pressures of isobutane (R600a) were measured from (259 to 406) K. The
uncertainty of the vapor pressures was estimated to be less than 300 Pa. The measured …
uncertainty of the vapor pressures was estimated to be less than 300 Pa. The measured …
Measurement of the (pressure, density, temperature) relation of two (methane+ nitrogen) gas mixtures at temperatures between 240 and 400 K and pressures up to 20 …
Comprehensive (p, ρ, T) measurements on two gas mixtures of (0.9 CH4+ 0.1 N2) and (0.8
CH4+ 0.2 N2) have been carried out at six temperatures between 240 and 400K and at …
CH4+ 0.2 N2) have been carried out at six temperatures between 240 and 400K and at …