[HTML][HTML] Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy
The metaverse has the potential to extend the physical world using augmented and virtual
reality technologies allowing users to seamlessly interact within real and simulated …
reality technologies allowing users to seamlessly interact within real and simulated …
[HTML][HTML] Project leadership: A research agenda for a changing world
Project leadership increasingly occurs in the context of ecological risks, whether from a viral
pandemic or an anthropogenically changing climate. It requires adaptability to change …
pandemic or an anthropogenically changing climate. It requires adaptability to change …
A Manifesto for project management research
Project management research has evolved over the past five decades and is now a mature
disciplinary field investigating phenomena of interest to academics, practitioners and …
disciplinary field investigating phenomena of interest to academics, practitioners and …
Temporary organizing: Promises, processes, problems
Temporary organizing is introduced as process, form and perspective. Then key challenges
and opportunities in the study of temporary organizing are discussed, including …
and opportunities in the study of temporary organizing are discussed, including …
Applying institutional theories to managing megaprojects
This paper contributes to Rodney Turner's initiative to develop a theory of project
management from practice. Organizational scholars studying strategy suggest that more …
management from practice. Organizational scholars studying strategy suggest that more …
Managing and organizations: An introduction to theory and practice
This introductory chapter seeks to familiarize you with some of the major trends of recent
times that pervade the context of contemporary managing and organizations. Some of these …
times that pervade the context of contemporary managing and organizations. Some of these …
Network orchestration in a large inter‐organizational project
Multiple organizations working jointly on shared activities in inter‐organizational projects for
a defined period of time are used increasingly to coordinate the supply of complex products …
a defined period of time are used increasingly to coordinate the supply of complex products …
[HTML][HTML] The socio-technical dynamics of net-zero industrial megaprojects: Outside-in and inside-out analyses of the Humber industrial cluster
Although energy-intensive industries are often seen as 'hard-to-decarbonise', net-zero
megaprojects for industrial clusters promise to improve the technical and economic …
megaprojects for industrial clusters promise to improve the technical and economic …
Project networks: Governance choices and paradoxical tensions
This article examines how project networks may be viewed as either a single
interorganizational project or as a series of projects that are interconnected by …
interorganizational project or as a series of projects that are interconnected by …
Rethinking project governance: Incorporating contextual and practice-based views
While project governance research is burgeoning, the prevalence of a structural focus and
project business perspective may impede the understanding of governing practices and …
project business perspective may impede the understanding of governing practices and …