A SymTFT for continuous symmetries
TD Brennan, Z Sun - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024 - Springer
A bstract Symmetry is a powerful tool for studying dynamics in QFT: it provides selection
rules, constrains RG flows, and often simplifies analysis. Currently, our understanding is that …
rules, constrains RG flows, and often simplifies analysis. Currently, our understanding is that …
BF gravity
BF gravity comprises all the formulations of gravity that are based on deformations of BF
theory. Such deformations consist of either constraints or potential terms added to the …
theory. Such deformations consist of either constraints or potential terms added to the …
[КНИГА][B] Factorization algebras in quantum field theory
K Costello, O Gwilliam - 2021 - books.google.com
Factorization algebras are local-to-global objects that play a role in classical and quantum
field theory that is similar to the role of sheaves in geometry: they conveniently organize …
field theory that is similar to the role of sheaves in geometry: they conveniently organize …
[КНИГА][B] Renormalization and effective field theory
K Costello - 2011 - books.google.com
Quantum field theory has had a profound influence on mathematics, and on geometry in
particular. However, the notorious difficulties of renormalization have made quantum field …
particular. However, the notorious difficulties of renormalization have made quantum field …
Classical BV theories on manifolds with boundary
In this paper we extend the classical BV framework to gauge theories on spacetime
manifolds with boundary. In particular, we connect the BV construction in the bulk with the …
manifolds with boundary. In particular, we connect the BV construction in the bulk with the …
Spin foam models and the classical action principle
We propose a new systematic approach that allows one to derive the spin foam (state sum)
model of a theory starting from the corresponding classical action functional. It can be …
model of a theory starting from the corresponding classical action functional. It can be …
BF description of higher-dimensional gravity theories
It is well known that, in the first-order formalism, pure three-dimensional gravity is just the BF
theory. Similarly, four-dimensional general relativity can be formulated as BF theory with an …
theory. Similarly, four-dimensional general relativity can be formulated as BF theory with an …
Gauge-string duality for (non) supersymmetric deformations of N= 4 super-Yang–Mills theory
We consider a nonsupersymmetric example of the AdS/CFT duality which generalizes the
supersymmetric exactly marginal deformation constructed in hep-th/0502086. The string …
supersymmetric exactly marginal deformation constructed in hep-th/0502086. The string …
Spin foam models with finite groups
B Bahr, B Dittrich, JP Ryan - Journal of Gravity, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Spin foam models, loop quantum gravity, and group field theory are discussed as quantum
gravity candidate theories and usually involve a continuous Lie group. We advocate here to …
gravity candidate theories and usually involve a continuous Lie group. We advocate here to …
Abelian-projected effective gauge theory of QCD with asymptotic freedom and quark confinement
KI Kondo - Physical Review D, 1998 - APS
Abstract Starting from SU (2) Yang-Mills theory in 3+ 1 dimensions, we prove that the
Abelian-projected effective gauge theories are written in terms of the maximal Abelian …
Abelian-projected effective gauge theories are written in terms of the maximal Abelian …