Superresolution structured illumination microscopy reconstruction algorithms: a review
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) has become the standard for next-generation wide-
field microscopy, offering ultrahigh imaging speed, superresolution, a large field-of-view …
field microscopy, offering ultrahigh imaging speed, superresolution, a large field-of-view …
On the use of deep learning for computational imaging
Since their inception in the 1930–1960s, the research disciplines of computational imaging
and machine learning have followed parallel tracks and, during the last two decades …
and machine learning have followed parallel tracks and, during the last two decades …
Varifocal metalens for optical sectioning fluorescence microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy with optical sectioning capabilities is extensively utilized in
biological research to obtain three-dimensional structural images of volumetric samples …
biological research to obtain three-dimensional structural images of volumetric samples …
Imaging through glass diffusers using densely connected convolutional networks
Computational imaging through scatter generally is accomplished by first characterizing the
scattering medium so that its forward operator is obtained and then imposing additional …
scattering medium so that its forward operator is obtained and then imposing additional …
High-definition imaging using line-illumination modulation microscopy
The microscopic visualization of large-scale three-dimensional (3D) samples by optical
microscopy requires overcoming challenges in imaging quality and speed and in big data …
microscopy requires overcoming challenges in imaging quality and speed and in big data …
Video-rate imaging of biological dynamics at centimetre scale and micrometre resolution
Large-scale imaging of biological dynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution is
indispensable to system biology studies. However, conventional microscopes have an …
indispensable to system biology studies. However, conventional microscopes have an …
Adaptive optics for optical microscopy
Optical microscopy is widely used to visualize fine structures. When applied to bioimaging,
its performance is often degraded by sample-induced aberrations. In recent years, adaptive …
its performance is often degraded by sample-induced aberrations. In recent years, adaptive …
Optical sectioning microscopy with planar or structured illumination
A key requirement for performing three-dimensional (3D) imaging using optical microscopes
is that they be capable of optical sectioning by distinguishing in-focus signal from out-of …
is that they be capable of optical sectioning by distinguishing in-focus signal from out-of …
Three-dimensional spatiotemporal focusing of holographic patterns
Two-photon excitation with temporally focused pulses can be combined with phase-
modulation approaches, such as computer-generated holography and generalized phase …
modulation approaches, such as computer-generated holography and generalized phase …
Speckle-modulating optical coherence tomography in living mice and humans
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a powerful biomedical imaging technology that
relies on the coherent detection of backscattered light to image tissue morphology in vivo. As …
relies on the coherent detection of backscattered light to image tissue morphology in vivo. As …