A comprehensive survey of few-shot learning: Evolution, applications, challenges, and opportunities
Few-shot learning (FSL) has emerged as an effective learning method and shows great
potential. Despite the recent creative works in tackling FSL tasks, learning valid information …
potential. Despite the recent creative works in tackling FSL tasks, learning valid information …
Deep learning for 3d point clouds: A survey
Point cloud learning has lately attracted increasing attention due to its wide applications in
many areas, such as computer vision, autonomous driving, and robotics. As a dominating …
many areas, such as computer vision, autonomous driving, and robotics. As a dominating …
Contrastive boundary learning for point cloud segmentation
Point cloud segmentation is fundamental in understanding 3D environments. However,
current 3D point cloud segmentation methods usually perform poorly on scene boundaries …
current 3D point cloud segmentation methods usually perform poorly on scene boundaries …
Polarnet: An improved grid representation for online lidar point clouds semantic segmentation
The requirement of fine-grained perception by autonomous driving systems has resulted in
recently increased research in the online semantic segmentation of single-scan LiDAR …
recently increased research in the online semantic segmentation of single-scan LiDAR …
Kpconv: Flexible and deformable convolution for point clouds
Abstract We present Kernel Point Convolution (KPConv), a new design of point convolution,
ie that operates on point clouds without any intermediate representation. The convolution …
ie that operates on point clouds without any intermediate representation. The convolution …
Semantickitti: A dataset for semantic scene understanding of lidar sequences
Semantic scene understanding is important for various applications. In particular, self-driving
cars need a fine-grained understanding of the surfaces and objects in their vicinity. Light …
cars need a fine-grained understanding of the surfaces and objects in their vicinity. Light …
Linking points with labels in 3D: A review of point cloud semantic segmentation
Ripe with possibilities offered by deep-learning techniques and useful in applications
related to remote sensing, computer vision, and robotics, 3D point cloud semantic …
related to remote sensing, computer vision, and robotics, 3D point cloud semantic …
Deep learning on 3D point clouds
A point cloud is a set of points defined in a 3D metric space. Point clouds have become one
of the most significant data formats for 3D representation and are gaining increased …
of the most significant data formats for 3D representation and are gaining increased …
Learning semantic segmentation of large-scale point clouds with random sampling
We study the problem of efficient semantic segmentation of large-scale 3D point clouds. By
relying on expensive sampling techniques or computationally heavy pre/post-processing …
relying on expensive sampling techniques or computationally heavy pre/post-processing …
Towards semantic segmentation of urban-scale 3D point clouds: A dataset, benchmarks and challenges
An essential prerequisite for unleashing the potential of supervised deep learning
algorithms in the area of 3D scene understanding is the availability of large-scale and richly …
algorithms in the area of 3D scene understanding is the availability of large-scale and richly …