The “so-called” UGC: an updated definition of user-generated content in the age of social media
MLB Santos - Online Information Review, 2022 -
Purpose When a concept is diffusely defined or, as this article argues,“taken for granted”, it
becomes very difficult to track such concept on the literature and have some continuity as …
becomes very difficult to track such concept on the literature and have some continuity as …
The four dimensions of social network analysis: An overview of research methods, applications, and software tools
Social network based applications have experienced exponential growth in recent years.
One of the reasons for this rise is that this application domain offers a particularly fertile …
One of the reasons for this rise is that this application domain offers a particularly fertile …
Social media engagement: What motivates user participation and consumption on YouTube?
ML Khan - Computers in human behavior, 2017 - Elsevier
This study unearths the motives for YouTube user engagement that has been
conceptualized as active participation and passive content consumption. In light of the Uses …
conceptualized as active participation and passive content consumption. In light of the Uses …
Why do people watch others play video games? An empirical study on the motivations of Twitch users
This study investigates why people choose to watch others play video games, on services
such as Twitch. Through a questionnaire study (N= 1097), we examine five distinct types of …
such as Twitch. Through a questionnaire study (N= 1097), we examine five distinct types of …
Humanlike robots as employees in the hotel industry: Thematic content analysis of online reviews
CE Yu - Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The purpose of this study is to discover the public's general perceptions of robots as frontline
employees in the hotel industry based on YouTube online reviews. This study applied data …
employees in the hotel industry based on YouTube online reviews. This study applied data …
Social media sellout: The increasing role of product promotion on YouTube
Since its foundation in 2005, YouTube, which is considered to be the largest video sharing
site, has undergone substantial changes. Over the last decade, the platform developed into …
site, has undergone substantial changes. Over the last decade, the platform developed into …
The ingredients of Twitch streaming: Affordances of game streams
During the last five years, game streaming has developed from a niche market into a
mainstream activity and the supply of services and technology on offer has exploded. Today …
mainstream activity and the supply of services and technology on offer has exploded. Today …
AI-enhanced cloud-edge-terminal collaborative network: Survey, applications, and future directions
The cloud-edge-terminal collaborative network (CETCN) is considered as a novel paradigm
for emerging applications owing to its huge potential in providing low-latency and ultra …
for emerging applications owing to its huge potential in providing low-latency and ultra …
A survey of rate adaptation techniques for dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP
With companies such as Netflix and YouTube accounting for more than 50% of the peak
download traffic on North American fixed networks in 2015, video streaming represents a …
download traffic on North American fixed networks in 2015, video streaming represents a …
A survey of caching techniques in cellular networks: Research issues and challenges in content placement and delivery strategies
Mobile data traffic is currently growing exponentially and these rapid increases have caused
the backhaul data rate requirements to become the major bottleneck to reducing costs and …
the backhaul data rate requirements to become the major bottleneck to reducing costs and …