A comprehensive survey on secure outsourced computation and its applications
With the ever-increasing requirement of storage and computation resources, it is unrealistic
for local devices (with limited sources) to implement large-scale data processing. Therefore …
for local devices (with limited sources) to implement large-scale data processing. Therefore …
A survey on heterogeneous federated learning
Federated learning (FL) has been proposed to protect data privacy and virtually assemble
the isolated data silos by cooperatively training models among organizations without …
the isolated data silos by cooperatively training models among organizations without …
Fast private set intersection from homomorphic encryption
Private Set Intersection (PSI) is a cryptographic technique that allows two parties to compute
the intersection of their sets without revealing anything except the intersection. We use fully …
the intersection of their sets without revealing anything except the intersection. We use fully …
Private set intersection in the internet setting from lightweight oblivious PRF
We present a new protocol for two-party private set intersection (PSI) with semi-honest
security in the plain model and one-sided malicious security in the random oracle model …
security in the plain model and one-sided malicious security in the random oracle model …
Scalable private set intersection based on OT extension
Private set intersection (PSI) allows two parties to compute the intersection of their sets
without revealing any information about items that are not in the intersection. It is one of the …
without revealing any information about items that are not in the intersection. It is one of the …
Efficient circuit-based PSI with linear communication
We present a new protocol for computing a circuit which implements the private set
intersection functionality (PSI). Using circuits for this task is advantageous over the usage of …
intersection functionality (PSI). Using circuits for this task is advantageous over the usage of …
When private set intersection meets big data: an efficient and scalable protocol
Large scale data processing brings new challenges to the design of privacy-preserving
protocols: how to meet the increasing requirements of speed and throughput of modern …
protocols: how to meet the increasing requirements of speed and throughput of modern …
Practical multi-party private set intersection from symmetric-key techniques
We present a new paradigm for multi-party private set intersection (PSI) that allows n parties
to compute the intersection of their datasets without revealing any additional information. We …
to compute the intersection of their datasets without revealing any additional information. We …
Pyvertical: A vertical federated learning framework for multi-headed splitnn
We introduce PyVertical, a framework supporting vertical federated learning using split
neural networks. The proposed framework allows a data scientist to train neural networks on …
neural networks. The proposed framework allows a data scientist to train neural networks on …
On deploying secure computing: Private intersection-sum-with-cardinality
In this work, we discuss our successful efforts for industry deployment of a cryptographic
secure computation protocol. The problem we consider is privately computing aggregate …
secure computation protocol. The problem we consider is privately computing aggregate …