Exploring antecedents impacting user satisfaction with voice assistant app: A text mining-based analysis on Alexa services
Abstract The Amazon Alexa app is one of the most widely used voice assistant apps to
manage customer information-seeking behavior and voice shop**. It provides …
manage customer information-seeking behavior and voice shop**. It provides …
Different roles of two kinds of digital coexistence: The impact of social presence on consumers' purchase intention in the live streaming shop** context
The social aspects of social commerce have not been considered in its entirety, particularly
for the burgeoning live streaming shop**. Based on nationally representative data (n …
for the burgeoning live streaming shop**. Based on nationally representative data (n …
What factors drive the purchase of paid online courses? A systematic literature review
Despite a surge of empirical work on paid Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), a review
of factors that drive the sales of them remains unexplored. The study aims to consolidate the …
of factors that drive the sales of them remains unexplored. The study aims to consolidate the …
Exploring the drivers of customers' brand attitudes of online travel agency services: A text-mining based approach
This paper aims to explore the important qualitative aspects of online user-generated-
content that reflects customers' brand-attitudes. Additionally, the qualitative aspects can help …
content that reflects customers' brand-attitudes. Additionally, the qualitative aspects can help …
Self-regulated learning and academic success in online college learning
The motivational basis of self-regulated learning lays a solid theoretical framework for
education researchers to look closely at the learners' intrinsic motivational factors in …
education researchers to look closely at the learners' intrinsic motivational factors in …
Micro-learning platforms brand awareness using socialmedia marketing and customer brand engagement
A Mujica, E Villanueva… - International Journal of …, 2021 - learntechlib.org
This study aims to analyse the impact of Social Media Marketing in Customer Brand
Engagement and Brand Awareness micro-learning platforms. The sample consisted of 220 …
Engagement and Brand Awareness micro-learning platforms. The sample consisted of 220 …
[PDF][PDF] Lack E-Learning Effectiveness: An Analysis Evaluating E-Learning in Engineering Education.
The evaluation should be performed to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency, and positive
impact of the learning process for students. Therefore, the objectives of the research are to …
impact of the learning process for students. Therefore, the objectives of the research are to …
Investigating the relationships between MOOC consumers' perceived quality, emotional experiences, and intention to recommend: an NLP-based approach
Purpose The paper aims to explore and examine the factors that influence the post-
consumption behavioral intentions of education consumers with the help of online reviews …
consumption behavioral intentions of education consumers with the help of online reviews …
How the use of animated versus static emojis in online post‐purchase communication affects consumer attitude
T Wang, R Chen - International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The communication style between seller and consumer is an important component of post‐
purchase communication, yet little research has examined the role of nonverbal language in …
purchase communication, yet little research has examined the role of nonverbal language in …
What matters in online education: exploring the impacts of instructional interactions on learning outcomes
X Li, X Lin, F Zhang, Y Tian - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Instructional interactions, which includes student–student interaction (SS), student–teacher
interaction (ST), and student–content interaction (SC), are crucial factors affecting the …
interaction (ST), and student–content interaction (SC), are crucial factors affecting the …