A review of definitions of fatigue–And a step towards a whole definition

RO Phillips - Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Despite its importance to health and safety, there is a long history of disagreement about
how to operationalize fatigue when studying exertion in human transport operators. The …

Effects of whole-body vibration on driver drowsiness: A review

MHU Bhuiyan, M Fard, SR Robinson - Journal of safety research, 2022 - Elsevier
Introduction: Whole-body vibration has direct impacts on driver vigilance by increasing
physical and cognitive stress on the driver, which leads to drowsiness, fatigue and road …

A temporal analysis of driver-injury severities in crashes involving aggressive and non-aggressive driving

M Islam, F Mannering - Analytic methods in accident research, 2020 - Elsevier
Aggressive driving has become a national traffic-safety concern, with increasing congestion
and other stress-inducing factors making it more likely drivers take out their frustrations by …

[PDF][PDF] Algılanan stres ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: güvenirlik ve geçerlik analizi

M Eskin, H Harlak, F Demirkıran… - New/Yeni Symposium …, 2013 - academia.edu
Amaç: Algılanan Stres Ölçeğinin uzun ve kısa formlarını Türkçeye çevirerek geçerlik ve
güvenirliğini sınamaktır. Yöntem: Çalışma Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi'nde eğitim …

Stress-related psychosocial factors at work, fatigue, and risky driving behavior in bus rapid transport (BRT) drivers

SA Useche, VG Ortiz, BE Cendales - Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017 - Elsevier
Introduction There is consistent scientific evidence that professional drivers constitute an
occupational group that is highly exposed to work related stressors. Furthermore, several …

A meta‐analysis of work demand stressors and job performance: examining main and moderating effects

S Gilboa, A Shirom, Y Fried, C Cooper - Personnel psychology, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
We quantitatively integrated 169 samples (N= 35,265 employees) that have been used to
investigate the relationships of the following 7 work‐related stressors with job performance …

Uneasy lies the head that bears the trust: The effects of feeling trusted on emotional exhaustion

MD Baer, RK Dhensa-Kahlon, JA Colquitt… - Academy of …, 2015 - journals.aom.org
The construct of feeling trusted reflects the perception that another party is willing to accept
vulnerability to one's actions. Although this construct has received far less attention than …

Obesity and other risk factors: the national survey of US long‐haul truck driver health and injury

WK Sieber, CF Robinson, J Birdsey… - American journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Background Drivers of heavy and tractor‐trailer trucks accounted for 56% of all production
and nonsupervisory employees in the truck transportation industry in 2011. There are limited …

Work environment, stress, and driving anger: A structural equation model for predicting traffic sanctions of public transport drivers

L Montoro, S Useche, F Alonso… - International journal of …, 2018 - mdpi.com
Public transport is an effective and sustainable alternative to private vehicle usage, also
hel** to reduce the environmental impact of driving. However, the work environment of …

Uncovering the behaviour of road accidents in urban areas

C Cabrera-Arnau, R Prieto Curiel… - Royal Society open …, 2020 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Different patterns in the incidence of road accidents are revealed when considering areas
with increased levels of urbanization. To understand these patterns, road accident data from …